Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1114 The Hero of the Women's Middle School

Chapter 1114 The Hero of the Women's Middle School
Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law. He knew what Jin Chen was thinking. Although he felt uncomfortable, he still believed in his character.

For an excellent woman like Sihui, it's normal for many people to like her.

Speaking of this point, Zhou Zixu is still generous, not a narrow-minded character.

It wasn't because Zhao Jinchen had a crush on Lu Sihui that he ignored this friend.

"What are you talking about?"

Lu Sihui gave him a blank look.

"It's nothing."

Zhou Zixu withdrew his gaze and drove honestly. If he continued, his wife would get angry.

The car drove back to the family building first, took off a corner of the wild pork and left it at home, two hares, and two pheasants, Aunt Su cleaned it up by herself, they didn't care.

"Zixu, have you two gone hunting?"

Mr. Zhou looked at the wild things with a smile, and he could have another prosperous year.

Ever since the daughter-in-law came in, she made herself some wild game when she had nothing to do, which made him hungry.

"Yes, Grandpa, leave a corner of the wild boar meat, and I will give the rest to the stationmates to eat."

It was easy for Zhou Zixu to unload the pork while watching Uncle Zhao work, why is it so difficult for him?

He hacked with a machete, and the bone shards splashed all over the wall.

"Let me do it!"

Lu Sihui pushed him away, took the boning knife to cut along the bone seam, and then chopped with the machete at the last joint. The speed was fast and the knife edge was sharp, and the meat was easily removed.

"Sihui, that's great."

Zhou Zixu gave a thumbs up to praise his wife.

"Haha, my grandson-in-law is a hero among women."

Mr. Zhou praised Lu Sihui with a smile.

"Mom, great."

Swift imitated the adult's tone and applauded accordingly.

Lu Sihui went to the washbasin to wash her hands, and then picked up her daughter.

"Kiss mom."

He put his face close to Swift Xiao's mouth, and asked her to kiss him with a smile.

When she was with her daughter, Lu Sihui shed her indifference and became a good mother who loved her daughter.


Swift yelled sweetly, Xiao 1 pursed her lips, kissed her mother's face several times, put her hands around her neck, and rubbed her head against her face.

When it comes to being coquettish and cute, Dongsheng is no longer his sister's opponent, standing aside anxiously, he 1. Mom is not at home, who can I turn to?
"Grandpa, let's take the rest of the pork to the work unit to give the station friends a good year."

Zhou Zixu carried the remaining pork and walked out without any difficulty.

The naked wild boar, without its ferocious appearance, looked no different from a domestic pig.

"Yuyan, be obedient at home, mom has gone to work."

Lu Sihui is in charge of logistics now, so she is naturally in charge of the cafeteria, so she goes to work with Zhou Zixu.

After arriving at the unit, Zhou Zixu naturally didn't need to do the unloading of pork. He copied his pockets with both hands and directed the head chef in the cafeteria.

"Let's unload the car! Wrap dumplings filled with pure meat at night, and cook a pot of stewed pork and vermicelli for everyone. It's a great idea."

"Okay, you can do it!"

The head chef is from BJ, and he speaks like a Beijing movie, which is very nice.

Lu Sihui went around the cafeteria and found that the flour was not enough.

"Need to buy another bag of white flour."

Lu Sihui walked out of the cafeteria and discussed with Zhou Zixu. In fact, she was very unwilling to take care of the logistics. They were all trivial matters, and she was not as happy as going to the training ground to practice.

"I'll ask someone to buy it later, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law and smiled, and had a strange thought in his heart, Sihui was like his housekeeper.

Lu Sihui patted the white noodles on her hands. After finishing the matter here, she still has important things to do.

"Okay then, I'll see number one."

(End of this chapter)

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