Chapter 1129

"on fire."

He yelled, turned around and ran home, calling his father and younger brother, holding buckets, basins, fetching water and running towards the fire.

There was a fire in the village before, and that was Zhou Changjiang's good deed, and he was sentenced for it.

The fire caught fire that time, but it burned several houses in a row, and the loss was heavy. Because of this incident, the village chief was taken down by the village.

Zhao Jinchen's voice was so loud that everyone in the village shouted.

Everyone has tools to hold water in their hands, and some people even take out water ladles. At the critical moment, the hearts of the villagers are still very united.

It was Sun Guodong's house that was on fire, and his family's firewood pile was in the yard. This is because Zhao Cuihua was narrow-minded, and was afraid that others would steal her firewood.

It is also because of this that the wind is strong tonight, and the wind direction is southeast, and the house of the Sun family faces south, which is a sad reminder.

The fire from the firewood was blown into the main room by the wind, and the door frame and window frame were ignited first. The roof was made of reeds and wood, and it caught fire very quickly.

The members of the Sun family just lay down on the bed when they heard Zhao Jinchen yell, but no one moved.

What they think is, if someone else's house is on fire, what does it matter to them?

Are you too hot to stay under the quilt, and run to fight fires in the ice and snow?That's a fool.

"Mom, it's not right! Our house is on fire."

Sun Guodong looked at the window unintentionally, and found that there was a huge flame coming out of the window frame. He was so frightened that he ran out wearing only his clothes and trousers, his life was at stake.

"Guodong, hurry up and put out the fire."

At the critical moment, Zhao Cuihua was still more awake than her son, and yelled for him to enter the house to scoop water.

She took the quilt and soaked it in the tank, and dragged it out to try to cover the flames.

But it was useless, the flames entered the house, and the wooden beams were all ignited. When the reeds met the fire, they ignited at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, the Sun family was in flames.

The villagers tried their best to put out the fire, but fortunately everyone came in time, the neighbors on the left and right were not set ablaze, only Sun's family was burned.

"Oh, I can't live anymore."

Zhao Cuihua sat in the icy snow, patted her thigh and cried.

I came out in a hurry and didn't take out anything. I still had more than 50 yuan and food stamps at home, and now they are all gone.

Sun Guodong was shivering from the cold, hugging his chest with both hands, his upper and lower teeth were chattering.

"Mom, what should I do? Don't be so busy crying."

He felt that he was going to freeze to death, and his 1. mother was still crying on the ground, so he asked in anger.

"How do I know what to do? You and your dad are both men, and you don't care if the house is on fire. You can't live this day."

Zhao Cuihua burst into tears. She had been miserable in her life as a bull and a horse, but now that everything was burned down, she was desperate.

Sun Boxiang stood there like a fool, busy drinking during the Chinese New Year, he drank too much, his daughter-in-law and son ran out, no one cared about him, almost couldn't get out, and now he is still afraid!

Sun Qiuju was better than her elder brother. She pulled out the padded jacket, but she didn't wear shoes and stood barefoot in the snow. She was so cold that she would hop like a rabbit from time to time.

"Everyone, please help, arrange the Zhao family to go to Sihui's father's house first!"

Zhao Yaozu organized the villagers to lend a helping hand, and arranged the Sun family to live in the house where Lu Sihui's father Li Laogen and his stepmother Liu Jingyun lived.

There is not even a window, only some broken plastic sheeting, which is rattled by the wind, it is the same as if there is no window.

No one has lived in it for more than a year, the temperature inside the house is not much different from the outside, and the walls are covered with frost.

"There are still quilts in this cabinet, take them out and cover them up first!"

Li Laogen's family was dead, walking around, nothing was moved, and it was too dilapidated, no one cared.

"Live here? I'm afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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