Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1130 As long as you don't leave, I won't give up

Chapter 1130 As long as you don't leave, I won't give up
Standing in the room, Zhao Cuihua felt chills running down her spine, as if there were eyes watching them in the darkness.

Liu Jingyun was hacked to death. Could it be that her ghost has not left?Just stay in this house?

"Thank you, who can give me some firewood, we will burn the kang."

At this time, Sun Guodong felt that he was about to be frozen into a popsicle, and the coldness came from his heart, his teeth kept fighting, and he wanted to get into the fire.

For the Chinese New Year, no one is willing to give away things, which will affect the luck of the year.

Zhao Yaozu looked around and saw that no one said anything, he sighed: "In a while, I'll bring you some."

Zhao Jinchen glanced at his father and didn't say a word. He didn't care about these remarks, but he didn't want to control the Sun family.

At the beginning, Sihui was almost bullied to death by this family, and now it may be their retribution.

People in the village talked a lot, although the voices were very low, but Zhao Cuihua could hear a little bit.

It is said that the evil deeds of burning fire, if they don't burn other people's homes, but only hers, they must have done too many immoral things, and God will punish them.

"Let's all go, one by one, it's too inhuman."

Zhao Cuihua yelled in dismay, grabbing and hitting the crowd when she got caught.

"Let's go, leave them alone."

The villagers all left angrily, and the rest of their family stood trembling in this dilapidated house.

"Brother, sister-in-law, bear with me, after the first month, I will bring you some food and firewood."

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Sun Erya went into the room and whispered to her elder brother and sister-in-law that she had just picked up something, and her man said that if he dared to go out during the Chinese New Year, he would not want her.

"Hmph, it looks pretty good at ordinary times, but when it's critical, you watch us live like everyone else."

Zhao Cuihua spat on the ground, cursing in a trembling voice.

"Sister-in-law, can't I be the master at home? Just bear with me. After the first month, I will bring you some food. I'm leaving first!"

Sun Erya explained embarrassingly, and walked away in despair.

In the dark room, there were only a few members of Sun's family left. They couldn't bear the cold, so they had to rummage through the cabinets and took out the original quilts from Li Laogen's house. No one had been there for more than a year, and there were dust everywhere, and the quilts became dusty. Rat nest, not warm at all.

At this time, Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu were eating with their grandfather. Grandpa Zhou was so happy that he poured a glass of wine for each of the two granddaughter-in-laws.

"It's Chinese New Year, let's have fun together."

The Zhou family laughed and laughed, and the New Year's Eve dinner didn't end until after one o'clock.

Swift fell into a deep sleep a long time ago, and her father didn't even know she was holding her.

The three of them returned to their room, Zhou Zixu put Swift on the couch, and hugged his wife tightly.

"It's been another year, you've been with me for three years."

He stroked her hair, with a low voice, with a bit of passion.

"Well, yes, when I first came here, I had nothing. Now I have you, Swift, grandpa and Dongsheng. I am very happy."

Lu Sihui hugged his strong wasp waist, buried her face in his shoulder, listened to his heartbeat, smelled his breath, closed her eyes with peace of mind, and a happy smile floated on the corner of her mouth.

"Every year in the future, I will spend with you."

Zhou Zixu pushed his wife away and supported her shoulders with both hands. In the dimly lit room, he saw her eyes shining like the most beautiful gems.

"Okay, as long as you don't leave, I won't give up."

Lu Sihui smiled and raised her head, holding his neck with both hands, and gently rubbing her forehead against his stubble-grown resolute chin.

"Sihui, you just said, when you first came here? What does that mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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