Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1136 Ginseng in good condition

Chapter 1136 Ginseng in good condition

"Grandpa is looking at the photos, let me come out first."

Seeing his father, Zhou Dongsheng felt even more aggrieved, and replied with tears in his eyes.

"You go to eat, Dad goes to see."

Zhou Zisong felt that something was wrong. Although his father had a strict and indifferent personality, he generally would not reprimand his son.

He went upstairs with long legs, and as soon as he reached the door of his father, he saw the door open. The majestic father stood at the door, and his eyes were faint when he saw him.

"Go downstairs for dinner."

The four words blocked Zhou Zisong's words of concern, he silently followed behind his father, and the father and father walked downstairs one after the other.

"Dad, I made you a barbecue."

Seeing her father-in-law going downstairs, Lu Sihui said with a smile, she rarely took the initiative to talk to her father-in-law, and Zhou Baichuan was not used to her sudden enthusiasm.

"Thank you."

He thought about it, thanked his daughter-in-law, walked over to support his father, and sat down at the dining table together.

The smell of roasted rabbits wafted in the dining room, such fat rabbits were not too big after being roasted.

Holding a sharp dagger in his hand, Zhou Zixu removed two rabbit thighs and gave them to grandpa and father respectively.

He divided the remaining meat evenly, and everyone, including Aunt Su, got a piece.

You can't get enough of just rabbit meat, along with dumplings and leftovers from last night.

Dongsheng and Swift each shared a rabbit's front leg. It wasn't much meat, but it was still delicious for children to eat and play with.

After the happy new year, on the morning of the third day of junior high school, Lu Sihui ran to find Dr. Tang.

Zhou Zixu accompanied her, thinking that he still wanted to deliver medicine to Zhao Jinchen's mother.

"Doctor Tang, we have a friend with a broken arm. Do you think there is any medicine that can heal her arm?"

Zhou Zixu listened from the side, and immediately understood who the daughter-in-law was trying to get medicine for.

"I have to bring someone here, and I'll check it out."

Dr. Tang brushed his flowing white beard and refused with a smile. Since he didn't see anyone, he had to prescribe the medicine irresponsibly.

"Just prescribe some medicine that is good for bone healing first, she can't come out now."

Lu Sihui hesitated for a while, and asked No. [-] to come out to see a doctor. Dr. Tang is not specialized in treating orthopedics. If he said that he couldn't treat it, No. [-]'s hope was disillusioned, and he would ask to go home.

"That's good. I have a prescription. I boil it into ointment and put it on the patient's broken bone for a month. If it's cured, I don't need to see it. Isn't it good? I don't use it anymore. I'd better take her there again." Check out the hospital!"

Dr. Tang didn't say anything to death. He had a good relationship with the Zhou family. Prescribing a prescription was a piece of cake, and he confiscated the money.

After leaving Dr. Tang's house, Zhou Zixu accompanied Lu Sihui to the hospital to get the medicine. The ointment was to be boiled at Dr. Tang's house, which was a technical job.

In return, Lu Sihui gave Dr. Tang a piece of ginseng.

"Doctor Tang, it's useless for me to keep this ginseng, you can use it to save others!"

"This ginseng is in good condition! It's very valuable, I can't take it."

Dr. Tang cherished the ginseng and put it down reluctantly. He didn't want to take advantage of it.

"Doctor Tang, I dug up this ginseng when I was hunting. It's really useless for me to keep it."

Lu Sihui smiled and pushed the ginseng back, she wanted it, there were plenty in the deep mountains.

Instead of digging by herself, she has a robot to help.

"Okay, I'll be rewarded for nothing. I have to make some more soups for your grandfather. His health has improved a lot recently. It's a miracle."

Hearing Dr. Tang mentioning her grandfather's illness, Lu Sihui's eyes flickered, she pursed her lips and lowered her head,
Grandpa's illness was not cured by Dr. Tang, but by the medicine prepared by her space capsule robot.

"Sihui, why do you still have ginseng?"

(End of this chapter)

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