Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1137 Keeping the Clouds and Seeing the Moonlight

Chapter 1137 Keeping the Clouds and Seeing the Moonlight

"Go back and tell you."

Lu Sihui was helpless, Zhou Zixu was too smart, he began to doubt again.

After leaving Dr. Tang's house, Zhou Zixu didn't rush to drive after the couple got in the car, but raised his eyebrows and looked at his wife.

"Ginseng is picked in the inner mountains of Kaoshan Tun. If you don't believe it, I'll take you to see it in the spring. There are a lot of ginseng over there. I kept this one for money. I didn't want to owe Dr. Tang a favor, so I gave it to him. This one Are you satisfied with the explanation?"

Lu Sihui had no choice but to tell Zhou Zixu what she had thought up.

The car was very quiet. Zhou Zixu was obviously thinking. He felt more and more that there were many mysteries about his wife. He seemed to be looking at her through a veil.

"Let's drive! We still have to go to work!"

Lu Sihui didn't give him time to doubt, Zhou Zixu started the engine without saying a word.

He kept silent on the way, and Lu Sihui was struggling with his thoughts.

She doesn't want to lie to Xu, cheating between husband and wife is the worst thing, but if she says that she has traveled from the end of the world, will he believe it?

Do you think she is crazy, and what she says is crazy?
After arriving at the unit, Zhou Zixu stopped the car and looked at his wife. She seemed to be struggling all the way.

"Sihui, no matter what you tell me, I will believe it. I will wait for the day when you tell me the truth."

Zhou Zixu's dark eyes focused on Lu Sihui, and she lowered her eyelids: "I see."

This is her answer?

Zhou Zixu frowned slightly. If she didn't want to say it, he wouldn't force her.

After getting off the car, the couple parted ways. Zhou Zixu went to the office, and Lu Sihui went to the logistics. She felt very depressed about this job.

Every day is a chore. After writing the work report, I divide the items that should be distributed. After the New Year, it is time to prepare for the distribution of spring clothes.

When Zhou Zixu arrived in the office, the servants reported to him that the ministry had called to inform them that non-commissioned officers above the captain should go to the ministry for a meeting in the afternoon.

Lu Sihui was busy with the logistics, and the training on the practice field was over, so she went directly to No. [-].

She hasn't had a good year because of her arm, it's time to let her relax.

Stepping on the snow, the sun shines on the white snow, and the refracted light is a bit dazzling.

Lu Sihui squinted her eyes and looked at the practice field. The stationmates had just finished training, and they were sweating profusely in winter. The sides of the cotton hat and the upper part of the forehead were covered with white frost. .

Just like that, they all lined up neatly, walking towards the cafeteria one by one.

In the team, Lu Sihui saw No. [-] who was hanging his head, wondering what was on his mind.

He greeted her with a smile, shouted to her who was walking forward with the team, and talked to her about the treatment of her arm.

"On the [-]st, I went to see Dr. Tang. He can heal your arm. I will get the ointment the day after tomorrow. Apply it to your arm for a month, and the broken bone will heal again."

"That's great, Sihui, thank you."

No. [-]'s indifferent expression turned into excitement, his eyes were shining brightly, and it was better than anything else that he could not leave the unit.

Seeing her happy, Lu Sihui felt inexplicably relieved.

"Number one, someone is looking for you at the door."

Comrade door guard came over at this time, first saluted Lu Sihui, then looked at No. [-] and said.

"Who is looking for me?"

No. [-] frowned, she didn't look after her here, and she didn't have any friends. The people she knew were all from the unit, and they were all in the unit now.

Lu Sihui's eyes flickered for a moment, and she looked at No. [-] who was full of doubts, the corners of her hair slightly raised, maybe she was watching the moonlight when the clouds opened?
(End of this chapter)

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