Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1138 Come on, hug the beauty back

Chapter 1138 Come on, hug the beauty back
She was actually very curious and wanted to take a look at the past, but in the end, she suppressed her curiosity and watched No. [-] walk away with vigorous steps.

"Zixu, what are you doing?"

Seeing her husband coming out of the team headquarters, Lu Sihui greeted her and asked.

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile, her eyes shone like bright gems under the sun.

"Go to a meeting. If I don't come back at night, you and sister-in-law can go back by yourself!"

"Okay, drive slowly on the road."

Lu Sihui nodded, waved, and watched her husband drive away.

With her hands in her pockets, she looked at the familiar training ground, feeling itchy, so she walked over.

She took off her coat and threw it on the horizontal bar beside her. She stretched her arms and legs and prepared for training.

"sister in law."

Wang Yuzhu came over and saw Lu Sihui greeted with a smile.

Sister-in-law, do you want to train?The hero of the female middle school, all the training subjects are not difficult for her.

"Let's go to the cafeteria to eat!"

Lu Sihui nodded to him, Wang Yuzhu is Zhou Zixu's capable subordinate, and he will take him with him every year to participate in the national competition.


Wang Yuzhu saluted Lu Sihui with a smile, and walked towards the cafeteria.

Zhou Zixu drove to the gate of the unit, and saw a tall man talking to No. [-] from a distance, he narrowed his eyes, did Jin Chen want to open it?

"Hey, Jin Chen, why don't you come to work and find me?"

When the car stopped beside Zhao Jinchen, Zhou Zixu rolled down the window, revealing that handsome face, smiling and joking at him.

"I have something to do here. I'll go to you after I've dealt with it. What are you doing?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at the old comrade somewhat unnaturally, especially the smile and understanding in his eyes made him even more embarrassed.

"I'm going to the superior unit for a meeting, and you guys talk slowly."

Seeing the embarrassment in the old comrade's eyes, Zhou Zixu smiled even more. Before rolling up the window, he winked at Zhao Jinchen and said to him with his lips: "Come on, you'll get the beauty back."

Zhao Jinchen's face became more embarrassing, and he turned his eyes away from him. On the first day, he turned his head and saw the leader's lips. His pretty face blushed immediately, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhao Jinchen, let alone the narrow captain.

The jeep roared away, leaving the two with unpleasant exhaust fumes.

Zhao Jinchen held his nose and watched the jeep disappear. Zixu must have done it on purpose.

"You don't have to feel guilty, your arm is fine."

No. [-]'s dry voice sounded, and Zhao Jinchen looked back at her, just in time to catch the flash of pain in her eyes.

"If I hurt you, I will be responsible."

Zhao Jinchen's blunt words made No. [-] uncomfortable.

"I'm not a child and I don't need anyone to take responsibility for me."

After No. [-] finished speaking in a cold voice, he turned and walked towards the unit compound.

Zhao Jinchen frowned and looked at her back. He was forced by his parents to look for No. [-]. He struggled for a long time, and he finally mustered up the courage to come here today, but she refused as soon as he opened his mouth.

Shen Mo watched her disappear from his sight, and really couldn't understand her.

Due to his strong self-esteem, he didn't stalk her, anyway, he had already said what she said, she didn't need it.

Looking at the red flag in the yard, although he was not wearing a uniform, he still straightened his body and saluted the Junqi.

The training ground he loved was right in front of him, but he lost the opportunity to train in it.

Turning around and striding away, No. [-] stopped and looked back at the door. He left without any hesitation.

She lowered her head sadly, and the wind blew her messy hair at the temples.

Zhou Zixu drove to the ministry, and his elder brother was there too. He walked over with a smile, saluted first, and then asked, "Brother, what is the meeting about?"

(End of this chapter)

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