Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1139 The Coming Separation

Chapter 1139 The Coming Separation

Zhou Zisong glanced at his younger brother indifferently, his expression still so majestic: "I don't know."

Zhou Zixu shrugged, knowing that his eldest brother would not say it, in his eyes this is a secret of the monarch.

Zhou Baichuan walked into the meeting room with the steps of a man of iron blood, and scanned the circle with his sharp eyes. The people who came were all above the captain level, and the youngest were his two sons.

"Hello, comrades."

Seriously, say hello to everyone.

The people below all stood up and saluted, showing respect for the leader.

"Sit down! Call everyone to come to the meeting this time, yes."

Zhou Baichuan first talked about what the unit should look like in the new year, and how high should the skills training be?Should pay attention to those matters?

Everyone carefully recorded. After the main things were arranged, Zhou Baichuan asked the other cadres above the team level to go back first, leaving behind Zhou Zisong and Zhou Zixu in particular.

"The leaders above want to see your brothers and have important instructions."

Zhou Baichuan packed up the notes at hand, looked at his two sons, and opened his mouth with serious eyes.


In the factory department, even the cynical Zhou Zixu replied with a serious salute.

The two followed their father to the office and saw the leaders from city B.

"The excellence of your brothers has been passed on to City B. This time, there is a major task to be entrusted to you, and the superior requires you to complete it."

This meeting lasted about half an hour, and the two brothers looked serious when they walked out of the office.

Lu Sihui was waiting in the dormitory, and when she came back on the first day, she greeted her with a smile.

"Number one, who is looking for you?"

Number one looked at her with complicated eyes: "It's number two."

When she said Zhao Jinchen, pain flashed in her eyes.

Obviously, as long as she agrees, she can be with him, why should she proudly refuse?


Lu Sihui felt that she was not in the right mood, but she didn't ask deeply. No one can help with this kind of thing. She'd better heal her arm before talking about it!

In the evening, Zhou Zixu hadn't returned to work, so she strolled home with her sister-in-law.

The unit is not close to the family building. In winter, it takes half an hour to drive and longer to walk.

The snow on the road has not been cleaned, and it is pale as far as the eye can see.

It gets dark earlier in winter, and the light is already dim after four o'clock. After five o'clock, the sun goes down, and the darkness gradually engulfs the day.

There was a crescent moon in the sky, and the two of them walked side by side, listening to the creaking sound of stepping on the snow all the way, so they would not feel lonely.

"Sihui, sister-in-law."

A jeep rolled over the snow and drove quickly in front of the two of them. Zhou Zixu rolled down the window and shouted at the two of them with a smile.

"I thought you wouldn't come back."

Lu Sihui was in a good mood when she saw him, and it was still very tiring to walk in the snow.

"Get in the car!"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law, and when he thought of the upcoming separation, reluctance appeared in his eyes.

The couple is most sensitive to each other's expressions, Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu, and asked him with lips: "What happened?"

Going to a meeting at the higher-level unit, and coming back with a dignified expression, it is hard not to make people suspicious.

"Get in the car first, it's cold outside."

Zhou Zixu opened the car door and watched his wife and sister-in-law getting into the car before he walked to the cab.

On the way, he remained silent, and Lu Sihui looked at him from time to time, waiting for him to tell her.

Li Yanhong also noticed that something was wrong with my uncle. He used to go home, and he could talk all the way, from astronomy to geography, country and people's conditions, folk jokes, without poor words.

But today, he was silent and depressing, giving off a heavy feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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