Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1140 Messy in the wind

Chapter 1140 Messy in the wind
"Zixu, what happened?"

Lu Sihui couldn't help asking him, she was used to hearing him chattering to her in a magnetic and pleasant voice, but she really couldn't bear such a deep Zixu.

"Sihui, we may have to separate for a while. You and your sister-in-law have been transferred to City B to protect an important person. The danger is very high. Foreign hostile elements have been trying to assassinate her."

He briefly explained the danger of the mission, and he volunteered to see him, but this time he only wanted a female iron-blooded man.

"Okay, I'm getting rusty from being idle all the time."

However, Lu Sihui's eyes lit up with excitement, realizing that she still likes this kind of adventurous and bloodthirsty life.

Zhou Zixu felt a little irritable, holding the steering wheel with one hand, took out a cigarette, bit out one, lit it, and the smoke was lingering, blocking his complicated expression.

As a husband, he doesn't want his daughter-in-law to take risks. As a man of iron and blood, obeying orders is his bounden duty.

It is precisely because the leader values ​​Falcon that he can entrust such an important task to Falcon.

NO.12 is different from Lu Sihui, she is a little reluctant to leave home, and the mission is dangerous, so she thinks more.

If she died, wouldn't Dongsheng lose his mother again?

Moreover, now that she is in love with Zisong, she is also reluctant to leave him,
"How long will it take this time?"

Looking at my uncle, the difficulty of this task can be seen from the time.

"This is not certain until this important person leaves. The specific situation, the leader did not say, it is confidential."

Zhou Zixu popped most of the remaining cigarettes out of the window, opened the window, the cold wind poured in with snowflakes, and his restless mood calmed down.


NO.12 No more questions, just looked down at his fingers, and went back to cook something delicious for Dongsheng. If he was leaving, would he miss himself?

Lu Sihui's eyes were shining with excitement, wishing she could go to the mission right away.

Zhou Zixu looked at her resentfully, the sister-in-law's reaction was normal, why is the daughter-in-law so excited?

Could it be that she likes danger, so is she not at all reluctant to part with herself and her daughter?
From the fourth day to the tenth day, during this period, Lu Sihui and NO.12 conducted brutal physical training, and must reach the state of standing.

Tomorrow, I will be leaving. Tonight, Aunt Su made dumplings and stewed fish in braised sauce. What she knew was that Lu Sihui was going on a business trip, but she didn't know where she was going.

Both Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong looked serious, thinking of the danger of this mission, they both accompanied their daughter-in-law.

"Pay more attention to safety."

Zhou Zisong told his daughter-in-law in a deep voice, before No. 12 people left, they had already started to miss them.

"Don't scold Dongsheng all the time, send him to the nursery class in the morning, and, you have a bad stomach, eat more hot porridge, don't forget to take stomach medicine, and..."

No.12 was chattering and instructing, but Lu Sihui over there was busy making dumplings with Aunt Su, her eyes were only excited, she pursed her lips happily, without any reluctance to part with her.

"Sihui, don't you have anything to tell me?"

Zhou Zixu saw his sister-in-law earnestly instructing his elder brother, and leaned over to his daughter-in-law, picked up a dumpling wrapper, and made dumplings with her, but asked her in a low voice.

"Uh, no, you're pretty good at taking care of yourself."

Lu Sihui tilted her neck and thought for a while, then shook her head, saying that she had nothing to worry about.

Zhou Zixu was flustered in the wind, and looked at his daughter-in-law sadly, she didn't have anything to ask, but he did.

"Sihui, you can tell the speed at which the duster comes out of the chamber, you have to remember it."

He told Lu Sihui his experience, assassination, no one knows which direction the bullet will come from?
(End of this chapter)

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