Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1145 Send people to follow them

Chapter 1145 Send people to follow them
When she looked at them, the man with the gold-rimmed glasses looked back at her.

Lu Sihui walked over without looking sideways, and stopped looking at them.

A man in a suit was sitting on the lower bunk, still holding a newspaper in his hand, reading it very carefully.

When Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong passed by him, he suddenly took a look at Lu Sihui, and his sharp eyes flashed like eagle eyes.

Lu Sihui calmly left the carriage with Li Yanhong, she also felt that there was something wrong with these people.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to the toilet, you go back first!"

With a thought, Lu Sihui glanced at the toilet in the carriage, said something to Li Yanhong with a smile, turned the car door and went into the toilet.

"I'll go first." Li Yanhong's voice came from outside the door, and Lu Sihui hummed and locked the door.

He stepped into the space capsule and gave an order to the robot.

"Give me a glance at the carriage just now."

Snowflakes first appeared on the big screen, and soon a picture appeared. Lu Sihui looked at the screen and found that the three people were talking.

"That woman just now, pay attention, it doesn't feel right."

They speak in ventriloquism, and outsiders will not hear them, but Lu Sihui knows it just by looking at the shape of his mouth.

"Yes, these four people seem to be iron-blooded men? Women walk with the wind, we must be careful, don't show your feet, and wait for the car to stop."

For the rest, the man turned his face away, and Lu Sihui couldn't see it, but at this time he already understood that the leader's judgment was correct.

The old agent was really unusual, she accepted it.

"I want to know the movements of these three people at any time, you can make arrangements!"

Lu Sihui gave the robot an order, and someone knocked at the door, she hurriedly left the space capsule, pulled the toilet rope,

With the sound of water, Lu Sihui opened the toilet door,

The person standing at the door was obviously stunned for a moment, Lu Sihui glanced at him lightly, and walked away.

The student-like man narrowed his eyes and watched Lu Sihui leave before going into the toilet.

"Sihui, you're back."

Li Yanhong saw Lu Sihui entering the carriage, stood up and greeted her with a smile.

Because she had to wait for Lu Sihui, she didn't climb up to the upper bunk, but chose to sit on the small stool by the window and wait for her.

"came back."

Lu Sihui smiled at her and walked directly towards the leader.

"Leader, those people are indeed bad people."

The leader's wise eyes stayed on her face for a moment, his eyes were so indifferent that he couldn't see his expression.

"What's the reason?"

He wanted to know if Lu Sihui judged by herself, or because of his reminder.

"I passed by their carriage, and these people were talking in ventriloquism. They mentioned me and Li Yanhong, saying that they could tell from our walking posture that we were spies, and they also said to be careful."

Lu Sihui told the leader what she saw on the screen of the space capsule. Of course, she also spoke in lip language.

There are a lot of people in the carriage, and there are many ears.

"Is that so? Xiao Jia, send someone to follow them."

When Lu Sihui heard the leader giving orders to Xiao Jia, she was slightly taken aback. The four of them were all there, so who would they send to follow?

Xiao Jia nodded, stood up and left.

The leader saw the doubts in Lu Sihui's eyes, but did not answer her doubts. He looked quietly at the car window. There were too many frost spots, and he couldn't see the scenery outside the window clearly.

"Xiao Lu! City B is not so cold, at least you can see the scenery outside the window clearly."

He said something with a double meaning, and Lu Sihui nodded without making a sound.

Now she really wants to see the object she wants to protect immediately, who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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