Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1146 Don't scare the snake

Chapter 1146 Don't scare the snake
The train gradually slowed down and had reached the next station. The train announcer was announcing the name of the station and reminding passengers to bring their luggage.

They took the express train, which only stopped at major stations, and did not stay for a long time.

"Leader, those people are going to get off at this station, ask for instructions whether to continue to follow."

Xiao Jia came back and asked the leader for instructions in a low voice.

"Follow up, don't startle the snake, find out who you're connecting with, and what are their identities?"

The leader's eyes were wise, and he gave the order decisively.

Lu Sihui glanced around to check if anyone was paying attention to them?
I noticed that there were many men looking towards this side, but none of them were suspicious people. These people just peeped at the beauty of her and Li Yanhong. They belonged to male animals and their natural reaction after seeing a beautiful woman.

When Xiao Jia left, Lu Sihui focused on observing whether anyone was paying attention to his actions.

"You're fine."

The leader looked at Lu Sihui approvingly. She always had a string in her head and knew how to find the target. This is the ability that an excellent agent should have.

"Thank you leader."

Lu Sihui calmly faced the leader's praise. In this regard, she and Zixu are very similar, and they are both equally proud.

Soon, the train started again, and the roaring siren sounded very long, warning the people on the platform to pay attention to safety.

Sitting in front of the car window, Lu Sihui looked towards the platform, and found that among the three suspicious men in the crowd, the man in a suit was looking at her with a half-smile.

Those eyes glowed deeply in the sunlight, seeing Lu Sihui looking at him, he smiled and waved to her.

It was like waving goodbye to relatives, with a genuine smile on his face.

Lu Sihui narrowed her eyes, is this person provoking her?

He is so arrogant, is it because he believes that they can't touch him?

The speed of the train gradually increased, and the three people also quickly left with the flow of people getting off the train. Like loach, they turned left and right, and soon disappeared.

"Leader, all three of these people have learned anti-stalking."

After losing the trace of these three people, Lu Sihui got up and returned to the leader's berth, and reported the results of her observation to the leader in a low voice.


The leader just snorted to show that he knew. He lowered his head and frowned. He stopped looking at Lu Sihui and clasped his hands together. His fingers seemed to be playing the piano, playing on his arms.

Lu Sihui took the cup and walked towards the water room without disturbing the leader's thinking.

In the cup is the Longjing tea specially brought to her by Zixu. He said that if you encounter a problem and can't figure it out, then drink some tea, calm down and think about it, and there will be unexpected gains.

She believed what Zixu said
The big boiler in the water room is always on fire, but the water is added as it is put. After arriving at the station, water is usually added first.

Therefore, the water inside does not reach 60 degrees, and can only be kept at about [-] degrees. If you use this water to make tea, it will be hard to brew, and good tea will be wasted.

Lu Sihui stood in the water room and waited, not in a hurry to make tea, she was waiting for the robot to report.

"Where did those people go?"

She looked out the window, as if talking to herself, and the robot in the space capsule began to feed back the information after receiving the order.

"Turning around at the train station, a train started and they went up."

The robot replied mechanically, they can't analyze, they can only execute the order after they have it.

After Lu Sihui heard this, her eyebrows were furrowed, and the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes again. He smiled proudly at himself, so arrogant, did he think she could do nothing to him?

Competitive flames flashed in her eyes, she must watch and grab him, and asked the robot in a low voice.

"Where is the train going?"

(End of this chapter)

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