Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1147 I just came out and said the dream chapter

Chapter 1147 Talking in sleep right after coming out

"A train bound for City J."

The robot paused for a moment and reported again. Lu Sihui frowned and thought, City J is not far from City B, will these people transfer to City B from there?

Forgot to make tea, she returned to the carriage with an empty cup, and walked towards her bed from the aisle.

The wheels of the train collided with the rails, making a bang, bang, bang sound, but the train was very stable, with no bumps.

Back in the sleeping berth, she tactfully presented the situation she knew to the leader.

"You said there is such a possibility. All roads lead to Rome. They may have found that we were suspicious, so they changed cars to City B. I will send people to strictly investigate along the way."

The leader nodded, what Lu Sihui thought coincided with her own, and she appreciated her more and more.

Having said all that should be said, Lu Sihui climbed onto the upper bunk, closed her eyes and rested.

My head was spinning rapidly, I always felt that the man in the suit had a ghostly smile, and the contemptuous provocation in his eyes was a bit strange.

The uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense, I pulled up the quilt to cover my head, took out an earphone from the space capsule and stuffed it into the ear hole, and listened carefully.

"Hmph, they only know to send people to follow us, but they don't know that they are about to be bombed to the sky."

A gloomy man's voice came from the earphones, with a bit of pride, Lu Sihui suddenly opened his eyes, is this the man in the suit?

What does he mean by that?Is there a bomb in this car?


She gave orders to the robot in a low voice, and the hairs all over her body stood on end, this was her sixth sense reminding her.

"Just came out and talked in sleep."

Li Yanhong was lying on the opposite bunk, and when she heard Lu Sihui's voice, she shook her head and sighed. Although Lu Sihui's voice was low, she still heard her on the upper bunk.

Thought Lu Sihui was training in a dream!Looking up at the roof of the car, she began to miss home, Zisong, and Dongsheng.

Soon she closed her eyes, wishing she could fall asleep too, and dream about them.

Lu Sihui waited nervously, she didn't want to be blown into the sky, bloody and bloody, and never see Zixu and Swift again.

As time passed by, she seemed to hear the sound of the stopwatch, and annoyed, she took off the watch and stuffed it under the pillow casually.

Turning around in agitation, she saw Li Yanhong on the opposite couch. She seemed to have fallen asleep, and she didn't even know that the danger was approaching.

"Find the time bomb in the compartment."

When the mechanical sound of the robot sounded, Lu Sihui was startled.

"tear down."

It was just a two-word order, and she didn't dare to speak much at all.


After wiping the cold sweat off his brow, he realized why that middle-aged man dared to look at him like that?
With the robot attacking, she naturally didn't need to be nervous, this time she really fell asleep.

Zhou Zixu stood in front of the couch and looked at her and smiled, his bright eyes were full of warmth and affection, he looked at him coldly and purely, Lu Sihui smiled and wanted to put his arms around him.

The feeling of weightlessness woke her up from her sleep. Instinctively saving herself, she grabbed the side of the upper bunk and hung herself outside the sleeper.

Fortunately, it didn't fall.

"Be careful."

The leader of the lower bunk reached out to support her feet, and instructed her in a deep voice.

"Thank you, brother."

Lu Sihui jumped to the ground, just about to say thank you to the leader, but after meeting his cold gaze, she quickly changed her words.

"Let's change, I think the lower bunk is a bit noisy."

The leader took a deep look at her, climbed to the upper bunk neatly, and gave up his bed to Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui stood on the ground and watched for a while, and saw that the leader had already lay down, so she had to lie down on the lower bunk.

In the early hours of the morning, the voice of the announcer woke up the sleeping people.

(End of this chapter)

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