Chapter 1166
But her intuition told her that things were not that simple, so she took a flashlight and illuminated every inch of the wall.

"Did you find out?"

Zhou Zhiqiang was on the cellar, turned on the flashlight, and asked Lu Sihui in a low voice.


After careful inspection again, nothing was found.

Lu Sihui waved at Zhou Zhiqiang, put the flashlight into his coat pocket, grabbed the rope, and crawled up quickly.

"You used to grow up in the mountains, didn't you?"

Zhou Zhiqiang picked her up from the cellar, and couldn't help asking curiously.


Lu Sihui didn't use him for help, she put her hands on the ground at the entrance of the cellar, and jumped out with agility, which Zhou Zhiqiang couldn't appreciate.

Fortunately, he didn't go down by himself. With this stature, even if he has high skills, it is difficult to even turn around on the ground.

"Nothing was found inside."

Lu Sihui patted the dust off her hands, her eyebrows were still tightly furrowed, it seemed that she could only wait for the robot's report.

"Then I'll go back first. You should be vigilant. I will send someone to replace you two in the middle of the night."

Seeing that there was no danger, Zhou Zhiqiang gave an order and went back.

Lu Sihui walked towards where Li Yanhong was standing guard, a crescent moon appeared in the black sky, and the faint moonlight illuminated the dark courtyard.

"Anything found?"

Seeing her come back, Li Yanhong asked in a low voice.

"No, but be careful."

Lu Sihui shook her head, turned off the flashlight, and continued to stand at her original position.

"Someone dug a tunnel and got out of the kang inside the house."

The robot finally opened its mouth to report, and Lu Sihui was startled when she heard it, and looked back at the room with the closed door behind her.

"In the house."

She whispered a word, raised her foot and kicked the door.

Li Yanhong looked at her in astonishment, there was an important foreign guest with a dignified status, and she was sleeping!Lu Sihui actually kicked the door in?

As soon as Lu Sihui kicked the door, the bodyguards brought by the foreign guests rushed out, speaking in foreign languages.

The subordinates were not polite, so they called Lu Sihui.

"Sister-in-law, quickly enter the house and check under the kang to see if anyone has dug a tunnel to come in.

Lu Sihui played one against three, and the other party was all of strength type. The three of them stood at the door, one man was in charge of the other, and she couldn't get in at all.

He had no choice but to restrain the three of them by himself, and let Li Yanhong enter the house to check.

Li Yanhong was stunned, she looked at Lu Sihui foolishly, and for a moment, even regarded Lu Sihui as a member of the assassination.

Otherwise, why would you make such an impulsive move.

"Sister-in-law, hurry up, or you will be in danger."

The foreign guests and female relatives in the room screamed repeatedly.

Lu Sihui could see clearly that her bodyguards had already drawn out their weapons.

Li Yanhong came to her senses and quickly ran towards the house, but was hit by a strong wind and had to retreat.

"Zhou Zhiqiang, someone is digging a cellar in the house, hurry up, it's dangerous."

Lu Sihui had to shout for support. She struggled to fight alone, and she couldn't use a weapon, so she could only fight with the opponent.

There is a lot of chaos here, but the cellar in the house is in full swing, making the final impact.

Zhou Zhiqiang rushed out from the male foreigner's room, and seeing Lu Sihui fighting with the bodyguard brought by the foreigner, he was so anxious that smoke came out of his throat, so he shouted to stop.

"Lu Sihui, what are you doing?"

The foreigner's style of play is pure strength, and at the door, Lu Sihui's dexterous body skills can't be used, she is being pressed and beaten.

Li Yanhong over there was also blocked outside the door and couldn't get in at all.

"Zhou Zhiqiang, someone is digging a tunnel in the house, find someone who can speak foreign languages ​​and tell them."

(End of this chapter)

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