Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1167 Strong Desire to Win. 1 Desire

Chapter 1167 Strong Desire to Win. 1 Desire

Lu Sihui yelled at Zhou Zhiqiang, and when the bodyguards fired, she dodged and hid in the doorway, and the bullets grazed her hair.

She could feel the heat of the bullet, she was really scared.

If she was beaten to death like this, she would not be an agent, and she might be regarded as an assassin, so she would be wronged.

"Are you sure?"

Zhou Zhiqiang asked her with a frown. Seeing the foreigner open fire, he also became anxious.

"Sure, the house is very dangerous, you can let them check it themselves."

Lu Sihui turned around again and avoided the bullets. She was not killed by the bad guys, but was chased and beaten by the bodyguards of the foreign guests. She couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Zhiqiang looked at the foreigner's bodyguard and murmured a series of foreign languages, which stunned Lu Sihui.

This man is so rough, and he can speak foreign languages ​​so well. Compared with him, he is not too bad.

The foreigner was dubious and didn't believe them at all, but he still sent a person back to protect the female relatives.

"I'll go in and have a look, you two are waiting outside."

After Zhou Zhiqiang got the foreigner's permission, he walked in, and the leopard glanced around.

Seeing his fierce appearance, the female foreign guests were obviously very scared. The bodyguards she brought stopped in front of him and looked at Zhou Zhiqiang covetously.


After a muffled sound, a puff of black smoke came out of the kang cave, with a strong smell of sulfur.

"Get out."

Zhou Zhiqiang and bodyguards covered the female relatives and ran out of the house. Lu Sihui, Li Yanhong, and two other lesbians surrounded the female relatives and looked around vigilantly.

In the yard, at some point, there were a few more men in black, all with weapons in their hands, rushing towards them desperately.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in Lu Sihui's eyes, she took out her weapon and struck quickly, standing upright in the rain of bullets, she could not dodge, she wanted to protect the safety of the foreign guests.

Bullets don't have eyes, and she hit a man in black every time she grabbed, but the other's bullet also hit her right arm.

The severe pain made her tremble all over, but she still didn't move her footsteps. She switched her weapon to her left hand and still gritted her teeth to fight back.

The four lesbians formed a human shield and surrounded the female relatives.

She was not the only one who was robbed, and a friend was also robbed, bleeding from the murderer's mouth, and fell on his back.

In the nick of time, the gay men living in the left and right yards jumped over the wall, and the remaining men in black were all shot to death.

The rioters in the house opened fire and hit Zhou Zhiqiang, then rushed out of the kang hole, holding the wall in their hands, aimed at the female foreign guests from the window and robbed them.

When Lu Sihui heard the sound, before she had time to think, she instinctively flew over to block the female foreign guest, the bullet shot into her abdomen, and she fell to the ground.

During the commotion, who stepped on her head?Lu Sihui, who was just about to order the robot to treat her, was trampled unconscious.

There was darkness in front of her eyes, and she could not take self-help.

At the last moment of fainting, she thought of Zixu, he was smiling at her, and a strong desire to win arose in her heart, she didn't want to die, she still wanted to live happily with Zixu and Swift.

Soon, the last rioter was captured alive, the foreign guests were sent to a safe place overnight, and the courtyard here became silent again.

Lu Sihui, the seriously injured Zhou Zhiqiang, and the lesbian were all sent to the hospital.

The injuries of the three were all serious. The doctor operated overnight and took out the bullets, but Lu Sihui was still unconscious and on oxygen. The news was sent back to S City.

The Zhou family was full of gloom, and Mr. Zhou looked at his son: "Baichuan, shouldn't Zixu know?"

(End of this chapter)

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