Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1168 You are too arrogant

Chapter 1168 You are too arrogant

At the moment of life and death, if Zhou Zixu didn't go to accompany Sihui, then his grandson-in-law really sacrificed, and he would be sad for the rest of his life.

"If he finds out, he will leave Junguan School immediately, alas." Zhou Baichuan sighed, the opportunity he had won so hard was lost just like that.

"Then you have to tell him, otherwise, Zixu will hate you forever."

When Mr. Zhou thought of his self-reliant granddaughter-in-law, his heart felt as if he was about to explode.

Little Swift has been depressed these two days, as if she knew something, the child is always crying today.

"Okay, I will call Junguan School and let Zixu stay with Sihui."

Zhou Baichuan looked at the crying granddaughter, hugged her and sighed, Sihui must not have an accident, otherwise the Zhou family will have another child without a mother, and a man who will never marry.

Zhou Zixu is in class, learning the command method used in the most famous station in the world, how to turn the tide?

He suddenly felt flustered, as if a knife was stabbing his heart.

Covering his heart, he watched the instructor on the stage open and close his mouth, but he couldn't hear a word.

His right eyelid twitched continuously, he became more and more uneasy, and his face gradually lost its color.

He didn't want to think about it, because as long as he thought of Sihui being in danger, he would feel restless.

"Zhou Zixu, are you okay?"

The tablemate Zhong Guoqiang saw that something was wrong with him and asked in a low voice.


Zhou Zixu shook his head, put his hands down, and planned to call home to ask after the class was over.

Eyelids fluttered in a panic, Zhou Zixu could barely sit on the stool, his heart was inexplicably restless.

I hoped that the instructor would finish speaking soon, but Zhong Guoqiang was still asking in a low voice: "Why don't you take notes, I don't want to win without fighting."

"I can beat you with my eyes closed, don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Zixu yelled maniacally. In the silent classroom, his voice was very abrupt, which attracted the instructor's attention.

Frowning at this arrogant student, he scolded coldly: "Zhou Zixu, you are too arrogant."


Zhou Zixu stood up and saluted, apologizing loudly, the irritability in his eyes became more and more serious.

"What's your attitude? Do you think you're awesome? There are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people. Don't you understand? If you don't understand, I'll teach you. Aren't you crazy? Let me see what you can do. "

The instructor's face was dark, and his voice was loud and ear-shattering. He was notoriously cruel, and students would be afraid to mention his name.

It is simply intolerable for someone to dare to make trouble in his class.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood."

Zhou Zixu's brows were tightened, and the impatience in his eyes became more and more serious. He even wanted to slam the door and go out.

His heart seemed to be crushed by a boulder, and he couldn't relax his attitude no matter what the flustered feeling.

"Come out for me."

The instructor was completely irritated, pointing at him and sternly ordering.

Zhou Zixu didn't say anything, his black eyes looked like a bottomless abyss.

Looking at the instructor, he stepped out, his posture was still straight, revealing an arrogance.

Zhong Guoqiang frowned and stared at his back. He felt that Zhou Zixu's mood was not right today.

He used to be arrogant, but he always looked at people with contempt, and he would not be provoked, let alone say those words in public.

The instructor opened the door, and just about to throw Zhou Zixu out to the small black room for self-criticism, when he saw a stationmate running over in a hurry.

"Report, there is a call for Zhou Zixu."

"It's in class! Didn't you see it? You came to my class to call someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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