Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1171 Don't leave me and Swift

Chapter 1171 Don't leave me and Swift
Zhou Zixu shook his head and refused the guard's support, and replied in a hoarse voice, Taohua's eyes were bloodshot red, his Adam's apple was sliding vigorously, his throat seemed to be choked, and it was uncomfortable to choke.

Staring closely at the ward, two sick beds are lying on a woman wearing a hospital gown, her upper body is covered by a cloth curtain, only her legs are exposed underneath, and her hand is hanging on one side. On the back of her hand is a drip needle. The dropper was dripping into their veins.

He fixedly looked at the patient on the south side, and identified her as Sihui, but he could recognize his daughter-in-law just by looking at her hands and legs.

"I'm going to the doctor, you have to put on a sterile suit before you can go in."

The guard frowned thickly. When his daughter-in-law was in danger, she couldn't calm down. Only she knew the sadness in her heart, and no one else could help her.

Turning around and leaving, only one guard was left to accompany Zhou Zixu, watching him put his hands on the door frame, looking anxiously at the patient on the hospital bed, the sincerity was touching.

Soon, the doctor brought him a sterile suit, and he had to put on a hat and mask before he was allowed to enter the ward.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu thanked him hoarsely. At this moment, he was no longer rebellious or arrogant, but only worried about his wife.

He didn't take his eyes off the patient over there for a moment, watching her hands lay motionless by his side, his heart seemed to be grabbed by big hands, and tears gathered in his eyes.

Who said that men don't shed tears, it depends on what happened?

After changing into the sterile suit, the guard opened the door for him, and whispered: "Don't touch the patient."

Zhou Zixu didn't answer, he couldn't hear any sound at this moment, his heart seemed to have stopped beating, and he rushed towards the hospital bed over there quickly.

"Comrade, don't touch the sick."

The nursing nurse immediately stood up and stopped Zhou Zixu from approaching the hospital bed.

Behind the curtain was Lu Sihui's pale face, almost transparent white, and the blue blood vessels on both sides of the temple could be seen.

Those proud and lively black eyes that Zhou Zixu fell in love with were covered by eyelids, and her long eyelashes were even more motionless. Her once cherry-red lips were now bloodless, lying there, as if A beautiful doll without life.

"Sihui, I'm here to see you."

Zhou Zixu called out in a hoarse voice, a crystal tear rolled down from the corner of his eye, flowed down his cheek, and flowed into his mouth, the bitter taste was just like his current mood.

The nurse frowned slightly. This man is really affectionate. She is very touched to be able to love his wife like this.

Sihui on the hospital bed didn't respond, she was still asleep, her chest was covered with a white quilt, and half of her shoulders were exposed outside the quilt.

Seeing the white gauze, Zhou Zixu's heart was tightened suddenly, and he looked at the nurse with red eyes, panic in his deep voice.

"Where did she get it?"

"The upper left side of the heart, almost hit the heart, she is very brave."

The nurse was silent for a moment before speaking. This is an admirable heroine who can use her body to block Zishan.

Zhou Zixu's fists were clenched suddenly, and his bones and joints made a rattling sound. He had to hold on so that he didn't fall down.

Sihui bravely blocked Zishan with her body before her eyes.

The Adam's apple rolled continuously, and tears dripped silently. He couldn't protect her, couldn't cover her up, and he was the most useless husband.

"Sihui, I order you not to die and not to leave me and Swift."

Suddenly, as if he was going crazy, he growled at Sihui on the bed, with uncontrollable fear in his voice.

There is nothing in this world that makes him lose control and fear, but at this moment, his heart is surrounded by fear.

"Did you hear that?"

(End of this chapter)

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