Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1172 You Are Like a Magnet

Chapter 1172 You Are Like a Magnet
Seeing that Lu Sihui was motionless and didn't give him any response, Zixu growled and wanted to hold her hand, let her answer himself, and let her open her eyes.

"Comrade, don't get excited, don't affect the patient."

The nurse grabbed him and persuaded him in a low voice. She couldn't see his face, but she could see his painful eyes. The nurse couldn't bear to scold him.

"I'm sorry, but let's be alone for a while, okay?"

Zhou Zixu took a few deep breaths in a row to calm down his panicked heart. Sihui was still alive, so he couldn't cry. He wanted to tell her a story and take her to recall their sweetness.


The nurse hesitated. She was really worried that this sad man would touch the patient. Now is a dangerous time.

"Don't worry, she is the woman I love the most in my life. I will not hurt her. I will not do anything that is not good for her."

Zhou Zixu reassured the nurse in a hoarse voice, and looked at Sihui on the hospital bed without blinking.

He's coming, does she feel it?

"Okay! Remember, you can't touch the patient, it will cause infection, and it will be life-threatening."

The nurse hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. She had to remind her that she was his daughter-in-law after all, and she wouldn't joke about her life.

"I know."

Zhou Zixu didn't look away, he kept looking at his daughter-in-law on the hospital bed, his eyes filled with pain from the bottom of his heart.

He wants Sihui to get up and bully him, he loves the way she stares at him the most, and she loves her mischievous tricks on him
"Okay, I'm out, but I'll be back in 15 minutes."

Thinking that this man had something to say to his wife, the nurse gave him time, but it was only 15 minutes.

The sound of footsteps leaving, the door opening and closing sounded, and soon there was silence in the ward, only his breathing and the sound of beating instruments remained.

Zhou Zixu walked to the bed, squatted down, and looked at Sihui on the bed tenderly. He restrained the urge to hold her hand, and his deep voice was filled with endless love.

"Sihui, I'm here to see you, don't be naughty, get up and look at me, you haven't scolded me for several days, your ears are itchy, don't you want to open your eyes to see if I'm handsome? You don't want to know how I am Come so fast?"

Inside the mask, the corners of Zhou Zixu's mouth raised slightly, as if he was talking to his wife, the deep affection in his eyes couldn't be melted away.

On the hospital bed, Sihui was still asleep, but Zhou Zixu was not discouraged, and continued talking on his own.

"When I saw you for the first time, you were a big fat girl. I thought at the time, if you walk, the ground will tremble. How can there be such a fat woman? You are so arrogant, and you look at me so coldly, like There are ice cubes hidden in your eyes, and I had a fight with my elder brother. I was thinking at the time, what is so crazy about this fat girl? Am I bad? I want to see you cry and see you helpless I think that's what a woman looks like."

The scene of Lu Sihui coming to his house for the first time appeared before Zhou Zixu's eyes. Standing in an unfamiliar environment, she didn't panic at all. Her calmness and arrogance attracted him who was still a prodigal son.

After a short pause, he continued: "Later, when I went to Kaoshantun, I saw your misery, the injustice others treated you, and your domineering counterattack. The way you hold a kitchen knife is really domineering. That look is more arrogant than mine."

Zhou Zixu laughed, Sihui at that time was really fierce and powerful.

"I can't see you being bullied by those people. I don't know why I want to stand up for you? You are like a magnet, firmly attracting me. Maybe, at that time, I have fallen in love with you."

Sihui on the hospital bed moved her eyelashes.
(End of this chapter)

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