Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1175 What an infatuated man

Chapter 1175 What an infatuated man
The nurse kindly asked, "If you don't eat or drink, you can't stand it. Besides, there are three urgencies. Does he even go to the toilet?"

"I do not need it, thank you."

Zhou Zixu didn't look at her, and thanked her in a hoarse voice. He was a sniper, and he was fine without eating or drinking for three days. He could naturally hold back when he went to the toilet.

He was waiting for Sihui to not bear him being hungry, so she opened her eyes and smiled to tell him to be obedient and go eat quickly.

I firmly believe that he will be able to wait, how can Sihui have the heart for him to starve to death?

The nurse sighed, why didn't she meet such an affectionate man?
The new nurse came to take over the shift, and the two were talking in low voices. It was obvious that the new nurse had a problem with Zhou Zixu's stay.

"The dean agreed, it's poor, so don't say any more."

The nurse on shift whispered a word of persuasion and told the situation of the two patients again before changing clothes and leaving.

"Are you going to sit all night? There are benches outside, you can lie down for a while, and I will call you if something happens,"

The new nurse on shift came to Zhou Zixu and saw him staring at the patient on the hospital bed without blinking. His eyes were as affectionate as the vast sea, which made people intoxicated just by looking at them.

Any woman would like such a loving man, the nurse's voice was comforting.

Don't be sick, he's broken.

"Thank you, no need, I'll wait for her to wake up."

Zhou Zixu shook his head slowly, his deep voice seemed to be very tired, but also seemed to be very sad. In short, listening to it made people feel inexplicably depressed and infected with sadness by him.

The nurse looked at his eyes, the kind of peach blossom eyes that women would be jealous of, quietly looking at Lu Sihui, the eyes seemed to have the magic power to absorb the soul.

She even doubted that Zhou Zixu could really wake up this dying patient, because she felt that he seemed to have that kind of power.

"Sihui, don't be naughty, wake up!"

Suddenly, he spoke softly, with a hoarse voice, as if coaxing an ignorant child.

The nurse blushed, his voice was so nice, even though it was a little hoarse, it added to the charm, and I couldn't help but want to listen to him and be a good boy.

Looking at Lu Sihui on the hospital bed, her life is really good, there is such an excellent man thinking of her, accompanying her, and loving her.
From night to dawn, Zhou Zixu's heart was tormented. He called out, but Ke Sihui seemed to have made up his mind this time and was determined not to wake up.

This made him feel helpless for the first time in his life. If he could, he would rather be the one who was hit by the arrow, and Sihui would be the one who suffered in that way.

This waiting was too heartbreaking and painful for him.

"Comrade, go and wash your face! The doctor will make rounds soon, don't worry!"

During this night, the nurse respected him in awe, a man who is affectionate and worthy of respect.


Zhou Zixu just waved his hands, he didn't even want to say anything, the night outside the window gradually dissipated, replaced by a faint dawn, the sun emerged little by little behind the clouds, and the sky was a red morning light.

Zhou Zixu looked out the window, and suddenly smiled: "Sihui, it's already dawn, don't you really want to open your eyes and see? Hello, I will accompany you into the mountains to hunt, and I will take you to ride a snow sledge , I am willing to pull the sledge for you for the rest of my life.”

The nurse almost cried when he said this, her nose was sore and uncomfortable, what an infatuated man, if anyone told her that, she would marry him.

Zhou Zixu sniffed, feeling that his eyes were swollen, so he blinked and rubbed them with his fingers.

"How was the patient last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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