Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1176 She Loves Me Whatever I Do

Chapter 1176 She Loves Me Whatever I Do

The door of the ward opened, and several doctors in white coats walked in, including the attending doctor who helped him apply.


Zhou Zixu stood up to salute them, his straight spine was not bent a little because he hadn't slept all night.

"The eyes are very red, go back and have a rest, I will be here during the day, don't worry!"

Seeing him, the doctor advised him in a low voice.

"Thank you, I'm not tired."

Zhou Zixu shook his head and made room for the doctor to examine Sihui.

The iron-blooded woman in the hospital bed over there did not have any emergencies last night, but her heartbeat has been weak. The doctor first checked her condition,

"The patient's condition is not optimistic. If she persists until tomorrow, will her family inform her? Why hasn't anyone come yet?"

After the doctor examined her, he began to ask the assistants who followed her.

"I contacted her. Her parents are both dead. There is only one grandmother and uncle left. The grandmother is old and seriously ill in bed. The uncle has to take care of her and cannot come."

The thin and dense voice sounded like mosquitoes buzzing in my ears, and Lu Sihui frowned dissatisfied.

I couldn't even sleep well, I wanted to turn over, my body seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and my left arm and shoulder hurt like hell.

The attack at night appeared in her head, and the picture became clearer and clearer. A bullet was shot at her and exploded in her chest.

"Zi Xu."

She was reluctant to leave Zixu and the child, so Lu Sihui began to call his name.


Zhou Zixu didn't look at the situation over there at all. He kept looking at his daughter-in-law, and found that her brows were frowning and her lips were twitching.

He rushed over to call her, but the tone of his voice changed excitedly, is she awake?
He knew that his Sihui was strong, and it was impossible to leave her and Swift so cruelly.

"Doctor, take a look, my wife seems to be awake?"

Zhou Zixu raised his head and yelled at the doctor, wanting to fly in excitement.

"Don't get excited, I'll take a look."

The doctor was alarmed by his shout, arranged with the assistant, and hurried over to check on Lu Sihui.

The flashlight shone into her eyes, and Lu Sihui wanted to raise her hand to push this annoying person away, Zixu must be messing around with her.

"Zixu, don't make trouble."

"Doctor, she spoke, did you hear that?"

Zhou Zixu's lips were trembling with excitement, and he clutched the doctor's arm tightly, wishing that he would wake Sihui up immediately.

"I heard it, so you are still not obedient?"

The doctor looked at his hand grabbing his arm and made a joke with him.

Zhou Zixu let go with a sneer, and looked at Sihui nervously, his excited eyes were like lit up stars, shining brightly.

"The patient shows signs of awakening, please take care of him."

After the doctor's examination, he said something to the nurse.

Zhou Zixu looked at him dissatisfied, she wakes up when she wakes up, do something to make her open her eyes!
Still waking up?That's all?
"Doctor, should you give me a drip?"

Zhou Zixu stopped the doctor who was about to leave and asked him to deal with it.

"Of course it's an IV drip. It still needs to reduce inflammation. Don't you really need to rest? Do you want her to see you look haggard?"

The doctor is a joking person, and joked with him.

"No, she loves me for everything."

Zhou Zixu replied confidently, his black eyes were still fixed on the daughter-in-law on the bed, his hands clenched into fists, he was helping her hard, wake up early, he is waiting for her.

The nurse blushed and took a peek at him. Few people in this age are so generous.

"Haha, okay, you just watch it! Today she will wake up almost. It's a miracle. I thought it would be at least three days later! The patient's desire to survive is very strong."

The doctor left, Zhou Zixu sat down on the stool, staring at Lu Sihui closely, he wanted her to see him when she opened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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