Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1177 I fell in love with her at first sight

I fell in love with her at first sight

Sitting upright, with his hands on his knees, he was as serious as when he was waiting for the leader to speak in the auditorium of the unit.

The nurse was amused seeing him like this, thought for a while and said, "Take off the mask! It's too boring."

She was curious to see what this man with a pair of charming peach blossom eyes looks like?

If she is handsome and affectionate, Lu Sihui has found a real treasure.

"No, the doctor said, you can't take off the mask, there will be bacteria."

Zhou Zixu followed the doctor's orders meticulously. He was always rebellious and unruly, and there were very few times like this.

He was afraid that if he wanted to be comfortable, he would harm Sihui.

"Ahem. You're so interesting."

The nurse looked at him and smiled brightly, her eyes danced with joy, and found that with this man around last night, the night shift became less difficult.

Looking at Lu Sihui enviously, she also wants a man like this, the feeling of being pampered must be very happy.

Zhou Zixu spent the whole morning like a year, asking the nurse from time to time, "Why hasn't she woke up yet?"

"Uh, sometimes it takes two days for a patient to wake up after feeling the sensation. Don't worry, I've seen a patient who has a feeling before waking up after a month."

The nurse didn't want to pour cold water on him, but she couldn't bear to see him anxious.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

"Sihui, little rascal, open your eyes quickly, you must be doing it on purpose, right? See if I care about you? I care a lot, I'm going to cry if I care, open your eyes and look at me."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui and said in a low voice, he didn't care if there was a nurse in the room, as long as he could wake Sihui up.

The nurse blushed again, this man became gentle, why is he so charming?
These few words made her heart beat, and she sneaked to Zhou Zixu frequently.

"Are you free in love?"

She couldn't help but ask, Zhou Zixu didn't look at her, but stared at Lu Sihui, with a smile in his eyes.

Replied in a low voice: "That's right! I fell in love with her at first sight."

Lu Sihui vomited wildly in a half-dream and half-awake state. At that time, she was fatter than a pig. How did he fall in love with her at first sight?

Talking nonsense with your eyes open is shameless.

The smile on the corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth became stronger, and his words became more gentle; "At that time, she was very fat, and the doctor said she could live for another year, but she lived tenaciously with her own perseverance. Is it Xiaocao? Even the storm can’t make her bow her head. She is a falcon soaring in the sky, living proudly. I love her strength, her unyielding attitude, and her petty temper. She always has a cold and straight face. Love the way she stares at me."

Zhou Zixu was immersed in the past, his eyes were gentle like the summer wind, warming people's hearts unconsciously.

The nurse looked at him like this, he was so perfect, gentle and affectionate, and his voice was nice.

Listening to his affectionate words in a coma, Lu Sihui couldn't help crying. It turned out that he even loved his own shortcomings.

"Sihui, did you hear what I said?"

Zhou Zixu lay beside the bed excitedly, watching her closely, the pearl-like tears rolled down slowly.

I stretched out my hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and felt ecstasy in my heart. She cried, proving that she heard what she said. Did she wake up?
Whispering excitedly in her ear, he was determined to snatch her back from the clutches of death.

"Open your eyes! Don't scare me anymore. You have scared all three souls and six souls. Do you really have the heart to watch me suffer?"

(End of this chapter)

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