Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1178 You're Awake

Chapter 1178 You're Awake

He spoke in the playful and coquettish tone that he and Sihui had when they were together in private, regardless of the fact that there was a little girl in the room, he just said to his daughter-in-law, she felt disgusted and numb, Naturally jumped up to clean him up.

The nurse's earlobe was red, shouldn't it be disgusting for a man to act like a baby?Why does his acting like a baby makes people's hearts tremble.

Lu Sihui tried her best to open her eyes and clean up this restless man. Wouldn't his hairs stand up when he said that?
Anyway, she felt goosebumps all over her body, a sudden sharp pain in her heart, and the blood in her body seemed to freeze instantly, which didn't feel right.

The heart rate recorder over there began to form a straight line, and Lu Sihui felt her body floating in mid-air.

"What's going on? Doctor, call the doctor quickly."

Looking at the straight line that appeared on the instrument, Zhou Zixu was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold, he crazily called for a doctor, held his daughter-in-law's hand tightly, and shouted at her.

"Lu Sihui, come back to me. I order you to come back immediately. If you dare to leave me and Swift behind, I will definitely jump off a cliff. Did you hear that? Without you, I can't live."

He yelled at his wife loudly, and Lu Sihui, who had risen into the air, frowned at him.

This man, do you want to be this crazy?
With her cold personality, she doesn't believe that life and death depend on each other.

However, when she saw the madness in Zhou Zixu's eyes, her heart trembled. If he really did that, what would Swift do?
Could it be that those bad kids call her a bastard, a child without parents?
Thinking of her daughter, her heart ached sharply, and she clutched her chest and looked at the grief-stricken Zhou Zixu.

"Quick rescue."

The doctor took a pacemaker and shocked Lu Sihui's heart. Lu Sihui felt a huge attraction pulling her down.

She stretched out her hand to Zhou Zixu, afraid of being pulled away, she didn't want to die, she didn't want to leave him and Swift.

"Zixu, save me."

She shouted at Zhou Zixu, hoping that he could hold her back.

"Come again."

The doctor started to sweat, why did his heart stop beating suddenly?I thought she would wake up today.

"Hold on, Sihui, come back quickly, don't be naughty, aren't you alone?"

Zhou Zixu started to burst into tears, and shouted at Sihui, the voice of grief made those who heard it cry.

Lu Sihui slammed into her body with all her strength, she must stand up against the god of death.

"Repair, I order you to repair."

She began to give orders to the robot loudly, and her strong desire to survive made her terrified. She died, and the space capsule and the robot could no longer exist.
Those who are sensible should quickly cure her. I don’t know if it’s because of the electric current?Or is it due to her strong willpower?She actually yelled out.

Holding the pacemaker in his hand, the doctor froze for a moment, then became excited.

"Quick, do it again."

The pacemaker in his hand went down to Lu Sihui's heart again.

Zhou Zixu was covered in cold sweat nervously, his hands were tightly clenched, his bones and joints were about to be broken by his grip, and he let out a clucking sound of being overwhelmed.

Biting her hair tightly, she cheered for Lu Sihui, he didn't believe that she couldn't win against Death.

At the critical moment, the robot regained its power and quickly repaired Lu Sihui.

"Stop electrocuting, even good people will be electrocuted to death by you."

Before the doctor's pacemaker could reach Lu Sihui's heart, she opened her deep eyes and watched the doctor make a joke.

At the same time, he raised his hand to stop the pacemaker, and looked affectionately at the man standing beside the bed crying like rain.

"Sihui, Sihui, are you awake?"

(End of this chapter)

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