Chapter 1186

"Sihui, let's eat! I forgot, why didn't I ask the doctor if I can eat?"

Zhou Zixu brought Kuizi in front of Sihui, the porridge was fragrant, which aroused Lu Sihui's taste buds, and was about to reach out to take it, but Zhou Zixu took Fankui away again.

"It doesn't matter, I'm hungry and I want to eat."

Lu Sihui knew her physical condition best, so she didn't need to ask the doctor at all.

"No, you can only drink water for the time being."

The nurse suddenly said something and looked at Lu Sihui seriously.

"I'd better go ask!"

Seeing what the nurse said, Zhou Zixu felt even more uncertain, put down Fan Kui, turned around and left.

Lu Sihui didn't care about that, and brought it over by herself, it was big and big.

The nurse frowned and looked at her. This woman is very selfish and doesn't care what others say?
When Zhou Zixu came back from asking, Lu Sihui drank the whole meal of kui porridge.

"Why did you eat so much? The doctor said that you can only eat liquid food, and it's all my fault."

Zhou Zixu blamed himself, Lu Sihui just smiled, her stomach was full and she felt comfortable.

Coming from the last days, what she is most afraid of is going hungry, as long as she can eat, she can survive.

Li Yanhong intends to take care of Lu Sihui instead of Zhou Zixu, but he strongly opposes it.

"No, I won't leave her, Sihui needs me."

Zhou Zixu immediately shook his head and objected. After experiencing the pain of life and death, he was unwilling to leave her for a moment.

"You should go back to sleep."

Lu Sihui looked at him distressedly, her eyes were bloodshot, even though she shaved, she could still see the fatigue.

"No, I'm not leaving."

"Zixu, it's time for you to go back to Junguan School, Sihui is fine, I'll just take care of her."

Li Yanhong was in a hurry, so she called her family, and Zisong said that Zixu's father-in-law had won him the opportunity to go to the Senior Official Academy for training.

"Don't go."

Zhou Zixu refused without even thinking about it. Promotion is not as important as Sihui, so he doesn't have to be a high official.

Those are all floating clouds outside of him, only Sihui is what he cares about the most, as long as she is fine, what does it matter if you lose a chance for promotion?
"Zixu, go back! Dad will be angry if he knows you wasted this opportunity."

Li Yanhong was still persuading her, why are elders not as good as herself in taking care of patients?
Besides, the sister-in-law takes care of the younger brother and daughter-in-law, so can you be careless?
"Zixu, go! I'm fine, don't waste this opportunity."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu, she didn't even care about being promoted for herself, and echoed Zixu's character.

she is touched
"It's okay, there's still next year! Sihui, don't drive me away."

Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law pitifully, and Lu Sihui couldn't say anything to drive him away with that coquettish look.

The nurse changed that night, and this nurse was very responsible. Although Zhou Zixu was handsome, she didn't even look at her, and took care of Lu Sihui and Qiu Liying seriously.

Have adoration towards them.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun shone into the ward, and Zhou Zixu was sleeping soundly lying beside Sihui's bed.

The sun shone on his handsome side face, dyed his skin red, making him look 'delicious'

Zhou Zixu didn't know what Sihui said about him, he was still asleep, he was so tired, last night he stayed with Sihui again, and only slept on the bed for a while in the early morning.

"He was so kind to you."

Qiu Liying sat up and looked at Lu Sihui enviously, the two of them were really showing their affection last night.

Zhou Zixu was very attentive, peeling an apple for Lu Sihui, feeding her milk powder, and urinating for her himself.

Serve her like a child, with a happy smile on her face, without any impatience.

"Look, Zhou Zhiqiang is here again."

(End of this chapter)

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