Chapter 1187

Lu Sihui smiled mischievously, and pointed to the door, Qiu Liying subconsciously turned her head to look, the door was empty, and there was no shadow of Zhou Zhiqiang.

Turning back with a blushing face, she glared at Lu Sihui: "Amusing me?"

"Haha, are you and Zhou Zhiqiang husband and wife, or lovers?"

Lu Sihui smiled, and asked in a low voice, she was curious what Qiu Liying liked about him?
"He is my leader."

Qiu Liying blushed, and a shy expression appeared on her cold face.

"Really? He is so fierce, you are not afraid of him?"

Lu Sihui became interested and wondered how the two of them saw each other.

"I started to get scared, and I was told to cry by him."

Qiu Liying fell into sweet memories. When talking about Zhou Zhiqiang, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle, like a woman in love.

"That person just doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade."

When Lu Sihui thought of the scene of her fighting with Zhou Zhiqiang, she was really merciless. How could Qiu Liying like such a man?

"When I first came here, I was trained by him and cried several times. He is really ruthless. When he trains people, his eyes are frightening."

Qiu Liying lowered her head and pursed her lips into a smile. She is such a fierce and dumb person who can make you happy to die.

"Almost! I just came here to report, and I fought him once. The real murderer, he didn't get used to me at all."

Lu Sihui smiled and talked to her, but Zhou Zixu woke up at this moment.

His brows were tightened, he dared to hit his wife, Zhou Zhiqiang would take care of him this time.

Zhou Zhiqiang was in his own ward. He suffered a lot yesterday. The doctor wanted to study the reason why Lu Sihui and Qiu Liying's wounds healed so quickly, but his wounds became inflamed?
He deliberately opened his wound and cleaned it. He was sweating profusely from the pain.

He thought that after the examination, he could come to take care of Qiu Liying, but in the end, the doctor prescribed a bunch of medicines and kept them in vials until midnight.

It is said that because of his large size, the dose of medicine he used before was small.

Poor Zhou Zhiqiang became a guinea pig and was regarded as a research object by doctors.

I am eating right now!Suddenly hit a shudder.She frowned wonderingly: "Who is talking about me?"

He was thinking of a doctor, but he didn't know that Zhou Zixu was thinking of him.

Zhou Zixu stretched his waist and stood up, smiling at his daughter-in-law: "Morning, daughter-in-law."


Lu Sihui looked at him with a smile. After two days of tossing, this man is still so handsome.

"I'll get you hot water to wash your face."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law tenderly, and when he saw her smile, his heart felt itchy, and he wanted to go over and kiss her.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui nodded with a smile, enjoying the happiness of being taken care of by Zhou Zixu.

"Your man is so kind to you, and you two look like a good match."

Qiu Liying looked at Lu Sihui enviously. When she came here, she had a lot of opinions in her heart.

I think this delicate appearance is just a trick.

Later, when she heard that Lu Sihui had defeated Zhou Zhiqiang, she even complained on Zhou Zhiqiang's behalf, thinking that Lu Sihui was playing tricks to defeat him.

But in the courtyard, she saw Lu Sihui's skill, she was really sharp, fast, accurate and quick to react.

It can be seen that people are not judged by appearance, she dare not look down on her appearance.

In the corridor, two men surnamed Zhou met each other.

Zhou Zhiqiang looked at Zhou Zixu with disdain. He must have not trained well for being so useless as a guard.

If it is under his own hands, he will be blacked out in a few days.

Zhou Zixu also looked at him with disdain. He fought with a woman and was defeated. Isn't it embarrassing?
Walking over, deliberately bumped into him, and said provocatively.

"Find some time for us to practice?"

(End of this chapter)

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