Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1191 A Flower Blooms In My Heart

Chapter 1191 A Flower Blooms In My Heart

"Zixu, the eagle soars in the sky, I don't want to pull you down from the sky, now, right now, if you go back to Junguan School, if you don't get the first place, I won't talk to you anymore."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu seriously, and when she entered the door, she threatened him and forced him to go back to Junguan School.

"I'll wait two days before leaving. You can't do without people now."

Zhou Zixu was silent for a while, understanding Lu Sihui's painstaking efforts, but now, he was worried about who would take care of her.

"I'll take care of Sihui, Zixu, your elder brother called and he said he won't let you lose this opportunity. Dad and grandpa also meant the same thing. Sihui will be taken care of by me. Don't worry!"

Li Yanhong appeared at the door, Lu Sihui and Qiu Lihong were out of danger, and she could come in wearing a sterile suit.

"Look, grandpa and dad also want you to go back, right?"

Seeing Zhou Zixu's unwillingness, Lu Sihui couldn't help laughing, and the four of them told him to go, to see if he would listen.

"Tomorrow's, I'll go back tomorrow."

Zhou Zixu was silent for a while, and then a nonchalant smile appeared on his face.

Even if he misses a few days of class, it's not a big deal, he can still get the first place.

At this point, he is quite confident and stinky.

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly, even the three bulls couldn't pull back what Zhou Zixu had decided.

Grandpa and Dad's orders, Zhou Zisong's earnest words were useless.

"Then sister-in-law, you go back to rest first, and come back tomorrow."

Zhou Zixu began to rush people out, especially hoping that there would be only himself and Lu Sihui in the ward, and the others would be light bulbs, which were too bright and dazzled his eyes.

"I won't go, you go to eat! I bought porridge for Sihui."

Li Yanhong smiled and raised the lunch box in her hand. She also bought milk powder and canned food, which was her wish as a sister-in-law.

"I'm not hungry."

Zhou Zixu took the lunch box, obviously he didn't want to give up the good job of feeding the meal to his sister-in-law.

"Sihui, have porridge."

With a bright smile, he bumped away from Zhou Zhiqiang who was standing stupidly, and gently coaxed his wife.

"I will do it myself."

Lu Sihui has a bad taste in the cold, can she stop showing her affection in front of others, then there are sister-in-law and outsiders too!
Qiu Liying looked at Lu Sihui enviously, and secretly glanced at Zhou Zhiqiang. It would be nice for him to come and see her, and he shouldn't be greedy.

"Are you hungry? I'll buy you porridge."

Seeing Zhou Zixu serving his daughter-in-law, Zhou Zhiqiang also woke up, walked up to Qiu Lihong's bed, and asked her bluntly.


Qiu Lihong smiled and nodded, a flower bloomed in her heart.

"There's no need to go, there's still a lot of porridge, give her half of it."

Lu Sihui called Zhou Zhiqiang to stop, saying that if you don't fight, you won't make a deal. He trusts himself very much at the critical moment, and based on this, this friend can be made.

Zhou Zixu frowned, stood up and poured Qiu Lihong a bowl, and had no problem with her.

But I want to see Zhou Zhiqiang foolishly go to buy porridge and walk around his legs.

In the afternoon, Lu Sihui and Qiu Liying were transferred to the senior cadre ward, where they shared a room and continued to be patients.

The high-ranking ward has a better environment than the intensive care unit. The windows are brighter, the sheets and bedding are all white, the walls are painted green, and there are beautiful fake flowers that look like real flowers on the bed cabinet.

The most important thing is that there is a bathroom in the house, so Lu Sihui is no longer embarrassed.

The accompanying person can also be more comfortable, and an accompanying bed can be placed in the room.

"Zixu, go to bed! After staying up for two nights, your eyes are red."

In the evening, after Zhou Zixu took care of Lu Sihui to wash up, she began to drive him to bed.

"I'm not sleepy yet, you sleep first, and I'll watch you sleep."

Zhou Zixu sat by the bed, holding her hand tenderly, with affection in his eyes.

"You look at me, I can't sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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