Chapter 1192 Too enviable
Lu Sihui withdrew her hand, saying this on purpose, she couldn't bear him to be tired, and hoped that he would go to school in good spirits tomorrow.

"Then talk to me."

Zhou Zixu just refused to leave, took her hand again, and played tricks with a smile.

Anyway, it's still early, so it's better to see her for a while.

Qiu Liying over there shook her head and rubbed her arms, feeling a little cold.

It's always weird for this man to act like a baby.

"say what?"

Lu Sihui asked him gently, let him hold her hand, watched him play with her slender fingers, always felt that such a him was more concerned about gains and losses.

"Speaking of you, when you were seriously injured and unconscious, did you miss me? Did you hear what I said?"

Zhou Zixu couldn't help but touch her little face that was shining under the light. Her eyes were like two shiny black grapes. When she focused on him, it made his heart tremble.

Zhou Zixu's voice was deliberately lowered, with a magnetic voice and a deep tone, full of charm. 1 and the panic of losing.

"I think about it. When I fell down, I was thinking about you and Swift. I couldn't bear you, so I desperately wanted to come back to life."

Lu Sihui smiled, she didn't hide her thoughts, without Zhou Zixu, she really didn't know if she could wake up.


The two of them were tender and affectionate over there, and they talked endlessly, as if they had endless things to say.

Qiu Lihong listened quietly, this kind of feeling is what she wanted.

Love each other, no one can do without each other.
"Go to bed! It's past ten o'clock, don't worry me."

Chasing Zhou Zixu several times in a row, this time Lu Sihui put on a straight face and gave orders beyond doubt.

"Yes, obey, daughter-in-law."

Zhou Zixu stood up and saluted Lu Sihui mischievously.

The accompanying bed was very narrow, and Zhou Zixu's big man lay down, making a 'squeak' sound, which was very ear-piercing in the silent ward.

Lu Sihui glanced at Qiu Lihong in embarrassment, and saw that she had fallen asleep with her eyes closed.

Turning around, I saw Zhou Zixu holding his ear with one hand, looking at her with sparkling peach blossom eyes and smiling infatuatedly, deep in his eyes was the fear of losing.

Lu Sihui felt sour in her heart, sniffed, and smiled softly at him.

"Go to sleep!"

Reaching out to press the desk lamp, the room is plunged into darkness,

The moonlight outside the window shone into the room through the curtains, and Zhou Zixu, who was accompanying him on the couch, did not close his eyes to sleep because there was no light in the room.

I kept looking at my daughter-in-law, and saw that she closed her eyes and her breathing gradually became even, obviously falling asleep.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, he also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, after four o'clock, Zhou Zixu opened those sharp star eyes, and immediately looked at Sihui on the hospital bed.

Seeing that she was still asleep, he smiled and looked at her. When Sihui was asleep, she was really quiet like a kitten, very cute,
Her usually indifferent eyes were blocked by thick and curly eyelashes, without that layer of coldness, she looked gentle and demure.

The happiest thing is that her tenderness blooms only for herself.

Lu Sihui was half dreaming and half awake, feeling a scorching gaze looking at her, opened her eyes, looked at Zhou Zixu's black eyes as bright as cold stars, and saw the deep affection in his eyes, Lu Sihui smiled.



Zhou Zixu jumped off the ground, walked over to hold her hand, and responded with a smile.

"Wash your face?"


The conversation between the couple was simple and warm, and the eyes that looked at each other seemed to be glued together, and no one was willing to move away.

This is what Qiu Lihong saw when she opened her eyes, which is really enviable.

After Zhou Zixu went out, she looked at Lu Sihui: "You have a good husband."

A tall man stood at the door, his face darkened when he heard her words.

(End of this chapter)

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