Chapter 1200

Zhou Zixu picked out his ears and gave up his shower head to Zhong Guoqiang. He admits his mistakes and doesn't quibble.


After leaving, he turned his back to Zhong Guoqiang and raised his arms.

This apology made Zhong Guoqiang feel much better:

"Zhou Zixu, if we want to fight, we can wait until the end of the training. The opportunity is rare, so don't waste it."

Zhong Guoqiang spoke suddenly, and Zhou Zixu had already turned on another faucet. Hearing his words, he nodded with a smile.

"That's exactly what I mean. Don't pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole will be behind."

"fair play."

Zhong Guoqiang nodded. He belongs to the kind of proud personality. He is strong and looks down on those who are not as good as him.

But in front of the strong, he is only excited, hoping that he can beat him and reach a new height.

When the two returned to the classroom after taking a shower, all the students looked at them, even the instructor looked at the expressions of the two.

"Go back to your seat!"

Seeing that the expressions of the two of them were flat, and there was no previous situation where the tip of the needle pointed at the wheat awn, the instructor nodded in satisfaction.

In the hospital, Zhou Zhiqiang did not come to the high-ranking ward for two consecutive days, as if he had disappeared.

Qiu Lihong was in a trance, and she didn't say a word except to look at the door every day.

"Sihui, will Zixu be punished when he goes back?"

Li Yanhong peeled an apple for Lu Sihui, cut it into small pieces and handed it to her, Zixu didn't come over for two days, she was worried.

"Of course, Junguan School is the strictest place. He violated discipline and should be punished."

Lu Sihui took the apple and took a bite. It felt very sour, but she found it very delicious.

She ate it in two bites, then reached out and took all the apples in Li Yanhong's hand and bit them. Lu Sihui answered her questions very firmly.

I think she was not lightly punished when she was training.

"I'm really worried."

Li Yanhong was worried about her brother-in-law, always thinking that he was too arrogant and would be the easiest to suffer.

"He should be punished and cause trouble everywhere."

Qiu Lihong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said something, with disgust in her eyes.

If it wasn't him, could Zhou Zhiqiang not come?
"That's why others provoked him first."

Lu Sihui looked at her dissatisfied, Zixu was not unreasonable, but those who offended him, don't think about it.

"Forget it, stop talking."

Li Yanhong calmed down, fearing that the two would quarrel again.

Qiu Lihong bowed her head resentfully, and said no more, feeling restless, she squeezed her hand hard, breaking it down.

"If you like him, you can see him by yourself. Happiness doesn't come by waiting."

Seeing that she was trapped by passion, Lu Sihui couldn't bear it anymore, and persuaded her softly.

"Will he think I'm not reserved?"

Qiu Lihong raised her head abruptly, and looked at Lu Sihui with tangled eyes. She wanted to see him all the time these two days, but she was worried that she would be looked down upon by him if she took the initiative to go there.

"Has he come to see you three times? What's wrong with you taking the initiative to care once? I can't stand your character the most. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, don't procrastinate."

Lu Sihui glared at her, thinking that when she and Zixu fell in love, when she realized that she had Zixu in her heart, she didn't care what other people thought of her?
She even took the initiative to boo Zhou Zixu madly!
Thinking of the scene of the two of them arguing in the snow that time, her eyes softened and she looked out the window expectantly.

She knew that Zixu would not be able to come out, but she was looking forward to seeing him in her heart.

After life and death, I really couldn't bear to part with him.

The door of the ward rang, Lu Sihui thought it was Zhou Zhiqiang who came to see Qiu Lihong, she turned her head indifferently, her eyes sparkled suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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