Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1201 It Always Looks Like I’m In Love

Chapter 1201 It Always Looks Like I’m In Love

"Zixu, why are you here?"

Standing at the door was the person she missed. Zhou Zixu was wearing a uniform, standing at the door with a tall body, with a gentle smile on his handsome face, as gentle as the spring breeze.

Those black lacquered eyes looked at Lu Sihui with a smile, and put his hands behind his back, pretending to be mysterious.

"What? Do you miss me?"

Zhou Zixu didn't care if there was anyone in the room?Just ask such an ambiguous question when you enter the door, Lu Sihui is the same as him, and doesn't care about the presence of outsiders, a bright smile blooms on the corner of his mouth, and he nods vigorously: "I really want to."

These two words express her mood at the moment. Zhou Zixu's peach blossom eyes were filled with a gleam of light, and he walked towards his daughter-in-law with his long straight legs.

"Sihui, guess what delicious food I brought you?"

Zhou Zixu's smile was somewhat mysterious, and he kept his hands behind his back.

Lu Sihui rolled her bright eyes and answered wisely: "It's delicious."

"What's delicious?"

Zhou Zixu won't let her get away with it!Continue to ask.

Qiu Lihong over there saw what Zhou Zixu was holding clearly and raised her eyebrows. Did she treat Lu Sihui like a child?

"Zixu, take it out quickly! This is still teasing Sihui."

Li Yanhong looked at Zhou Zixu amusedly, feeling that he and Sihui were always in love.

"Sister-in-law, here's a string for you."

Zhou Zixu stopped fighting with Sihui, and handed Li Yanhong a bunch of candied haws in his hand, and the other to Sihui.

"The candied haws in City B are pretty good. I remember you like them. Also, I bought you candied fruit and bean noodle rolls. They are all specialties here."

Zhou Zixu took out all the things, and Lu Sihui's eyes were bent into a crescent moon, and she happily took the candied haws, but she didn't know what was going on?She likes to eat sour now.

This is hawthorn candied haws, sour and sweet, and he squinted his eyes when he was full after eating it. In Zhou Zixu's eyes, he couldn't bear to look away.

"How is the wound healing?"

He looked at the gauze on Sihui's shoulder with concern, and when he thought of the shocking wound, his heart ached.

"I'm skinny, basically good enough."

Lu Sihui bit off another hawthorn and answered while eating.

I realized that I have become a big greedy cat. It is really embarrassing to eat candied haws and still have saliva in my mouth.

"Bean noodle rolls, how about one?"

Li Yanhong took a bean noodle roll and handed it to Qiu Lihong, they went through life and death together, and she was taking care of her these two days.

"There are preserved fruits here, get some for her too."

Zhou Zixu has a generous personality. He grabbed the preserved fruit and handed it to his sister-in-law, asking her to give it to Qiu Lihong.


Qiu Lihong's face sank like water, she stared at Zhou Zixu, and refused coldly.

Only then did Zhou Zixu realize that she was in a bad mood, and his face darkened for a moment. He didn't talk to her anymore!

Lu Sihui glanced at Qiu Lihong lightly, because she was angry at Zixu for running away with her beloved man.

"how do you feel?"

The dean brought the consulting doctor into the room, cheering a group of people, the originally spacious ward suddenly became cramped and crowded.

"pretty good."

Qiu Lihong replied, Lu Sihui frowned and remained silent.

Since she and Qiu Lihong woke up, the checkups have been endless, and they have to come to check once a day. Today is even more outrageous. They brought a group of doctors, most of whom are men.

The dean didn't see Lu Sihui's sinking face, and turned around to talk to the doctors.

"These two people have special constitutions. Zhou Zhiqiang is also taking the same medicine, and the wounds still show signs of infection, but their wounds have healed. In the hospital's records, there is no precedent for such a fast healing after surgery."

(End of this chapter)

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