Chapter 1204

As soon as Zhou Zhiqiang entered the door, he heard Zhou Zixu boasting, but he couldn't get used to what he said, so he immediately answered.

"Of course I am proud. I have such an excellent daughter-in-law, do you have one?"

When Zhou Zixu saw that it was him, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared, and he changed into an iceberg face, with serious disdain in his voice.

"If you want to have it, you can have it."

Zhou Zhiqiang blushed and his neck was thick. He didn't know what was going on?Seeing Zhou Zixu cocking his tail triumphantly, he got angry.

"Then find one for me."

Zhou Zixu stood up, leaned lazily against the wall, looked at Zhou Zhiqiang with narrow eyes, and glanced at Qiu Lihong from the corner of his eyes.

Don't think he can't see that this big bastard always runs to this ward because he is interested in someone.

At the beginning, I suspected him of Xiangzhongsihui, but now I know who he belongs to?

Zhou Zhiqiang's face was flushed, and he said a few words "I" in succession, sweat broke out on his forehead, but he didn't say it after all.

"Hey, can't you tell?"

Zhou Zixu narrowed his eyes, looked at him contemptuously, and provoked him with words.

"Who says I can't tell?"

Zhou Zhiqiang stared at him, the pupils of those dark brown eyes narrowed severely, holding back his anger, and when his eyes fell on Qiu Lihong, his face became embarrassed.

He still didn't have the courage to speak out, even if he was forced by Zhou Zixu's words, he still didn't dare to speak out his heart.

Qiu Lihong clenched her hands tightly, secretly hoping that Zhou Zhiqiang would admit that she was the woman he liked.

As long as he is willing to say it, she will definitely not refuse.

Seeing Zhou Zhiqiang's final reaction, she lowered her head sadly, but he still refused to admit their relationship.

Maybe, he just regarded her as an ordinary comrade in his heart, and she was just being sentimental, thinking that he might have a place for her in his heart.

Lu Sihui saw the expressions of the two of them, and bowed her head with a smile. These people are real, but it's just a matter of one sentence.

Zixu spread the matter out, and Zhou Zhiqiang didn't dare to say it when he was forced to this point, he was too useless.

"Still not, so you are jealous that I have a good wife."

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui with a smile, his tone of voice was a little sweet, Zhou Zhiqiang shuddered, and cursed in a low voice: "Shameless."

"Hey, why am I shameless? Isn't Lu Sihui my daughter-in-law? Isn't she a respectable person? I am proud of my daughter-in-law, so how can I become shameless in your mouth? I think you just can't eat grapes, say grapes Sour, you're jealous."

When Zhou Zixu looked at him, the tenderness in his eyes was gone, full of contempt.

I dare not confess to the woman I like, is it a man?

"I'm not jealous! My woman is also a respectable person."

Zhou Zhiqiang blushed from anger, his neck was thick, and he stared at Zhou Zixu with round leopard eyes, as if he was about to eat him.

"Really? Where? Let me introduce you?"

Lu Sihui answered, with a faint smile on her lips, she looked sideways at Qiu Lihong who was in the next bed.

"Ahem, I...I still have something to do."

When Zhou Zhiqiang heard Lu Sihui's question, his face immediately turned red like a pig's liver, and he left the ward in a state of embarrassment. He didn't dare to look back, let alone look at Qiu Lihong.

"Daughter-in-law, look, let me tell you!"

Zhou Zixu leaned close to Sihui's face, whispered in Lu Sihui's ear, and looked at Lu Sihui with a twinkle of ambiguity in his eyes.

Qiu Lihong looked at the door of the ward sadly. Just now she was ecstatic, thinking that Zhou Zhiqiang was going to say his name!My heart almost jumped out of my throat, but I was disappointed again.

"Why do you keep targeting him?"

(End of this chapter)

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