Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1205 What is deep?

Chapter 1205 What is deep?
Qiu Lihong glared at Zhou Zixu angrily, her eyes were angry, and her voice was filled with restrained anger.

She had finally hoped for Zhou Zhiqiang's arrival, but was forced to leave by Zhou Zixu, and her secret joy was replaced by disappointment.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Zhou Zixu squinted at her, when is it her turn to teach him a lesson?Who is she?
Among the women in this world, Sihui is the only one who can make him willing to listen to the training, and he will not be used to the others.


Li Yanhong gave her brother-in-law a hand, and Qiu Lihong had tears in her eyes. He is a big man, so he can't take a step back.

"Qiu Lihong, he is cowardly. What's wrong with Guan Zixu? Are you blaming the wrong person?"

Lu Sihui turned cold and looked at her displeased, there is no need for others to pay for their feelings.


Facing Lu Sihui's cold gaze, Qiu Lihong also knew that she was being unreasonable, but she felt aggrieved and uncomfortable, so she rolled over and lay down with her back facing them.

"You and he are both cowardly. Zixu was kind enough to help you pierce the window paper, but he didn't dare to take a step forward. You stay where you are, is it interesting? What are you tweaking? We are all adults, play What is deep?"

But Lu Sihui didn't let her go, and pointed out the faults of both of them.

Qiu Lihong was stiff all over, and Lu Sihui's words were like a heavy hammer hitting her.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhou Zixu didn't use the aggressive method just now, but Zhou Zhiqiang still didn't dare to say it.

"Daughter-in-law, we don't care about other people's affairs, eat preserved fruit, it's very sweet."

Zhou Zixu took his daughter-in-law's hand, and handed a piece of orange-yellow preserved fruit to her mouth, with a gentle tone only used to coax children in his voice.

"Zixu, take care of me for a while, I'll go back to the hostel to change."

NO.12 hurriedly said something to Zhou Zixu, my brother-in-law is so affectionate, and my sister-in-law is his subordinate, so I am a little embarrassed to stay, so I found an excuse to leave.

They are not embarrassed, they are ashamed.

Moreover, looking at them, she thought of Zisong, and really wanted to go back to him right away.

"Sister-in-law seems to be blushing?"

Lu Sihui looked at Li Yanhong's leaving back with a half-smile.

"Sister-in-law misses her brother!"

Zhou Zixu picked up another piece of green and crystal-clear preserved fruit and handed it to Lu Sihui's lips, but Lu Sihui turned her face away and refused to eat it.

"Don't eat it, it's too sweet."

The mouth is full of sweetness, and the candied haws before are better, sweet and sour.

"Didn't you like to eat sweets before?"

Zhou Zixu threw the preserved fruit into his mouth and tasted it. It was indeed too sweet, and he couldn't get used to it.

"I don't know, I just want to eat sour now."

Lu Sihui shrugged, and after answering, her eyes froze suddenly, and she realized that something was wrong.


Zhou Zixu stopped chewing and looked at his wife nervously.

"Can't you? I don't feel anything."

Lu Sihui replied hesitantly, she was not sure.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows, and put a smirk into Lu Sihui's ear: "It's possible."

"To shut up."

Lu Sihui glared at him reproachfully, and cursed shamelessly with her lips.

Zhou Zixu smiled and turned his handsome face away, and stared at Qiu Lihong with dissatisfaction, seeing that her back was facing himself and Sihui.

Smiling and approaching his wife, as he approached, a man's breath mixed with a faint smell of tobacco hit him, he is just so bad, he is so naughty when no one is around.

"Don't make trouble."

She stared at Zhou Zixu as a warning, glanced at Qiu Lihong, and then at Zhou Zixu.

The smile on the corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth deepened, and he knew that Sihui missed him too.

(End of this chapter)

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