Chapter 1206
Qiu Lihong turned her back to them, suddenly she couldn't hear the two of them talking, and wanted to look back curiously.

But I feel embarrassed if they find out.

In the end, I decided to close my eyes and ignore this pair of people who showed their affection in front of me.

But after closing his eyes, his sense of hearing was unprecedentedly strong. What are these two doing?The sound of breathing became rough, as if the mouth was gagged.

Lu Sihui wanted to push Zhou Zixu away at first, but when he looked at him so tenderly, her heart became intoxicated.

Zhou Zixu supported Sihui's body with his hands, afraid of touching her wound, and felt distressed when he thought of her injury.

"Does the wound still hurt?" He asked Sihui in a hoarse voice, it would be better to let him get hurt, a man has rough skin and thick flesh, so he is not afraid of getting hurt.

Ke Sihui must have been in pain, but she didn't complain at all.

"The wound doesn't hurt, the wound doesn't hurt at all." Lu Sihui smiled and shook her head. She had never been cared for in her previous life, but Zi Xu cared for her meticulously in this life.

Qiu Lihong listened to these two people talking, her heart beat wildly, she knew how to care about others, how could she not meet such a good man?
Sihui's life is really good, think about Zhou Zhiqiang, if he can treat himself as well as Zhou Zixu treats Lu Sihui, how great would it be?Qiu Lihong covered her head with a thin quilt, and she was no longer envious if she didn't listen or look at it.


Lu Sihui heard the sound of the bed over there, and hurriedly pushed Zhou Zixu away, and quickly glanced at Qiu Lihong, seeing that she was covered with a quilt, her face immediately turned red, she glared at Zhou Zixu, and cursed.

How could he always be so bold and unscrupulous.

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui with a smile as if he had picked up a treasure. Seeing the red clouds on both sides of her cheeks, his smile became a little naughty.

With an itchy heart, she glanced sideways at Qiu Lihong, she was covered with a quilt!What are you afraid of?
He approached his wife again, but this time she refused to cooperate with him, she pushed him away angrily, and gave him a coquettish white look.


He raised his hand and pinched her delicate and charming cheeks, smiling a little dotingly, a little smugly.

After finally seeing my daughter-in-law, why do you care about other people's eyes?
Qiu Lihong covered her head with sweat, but she didn't dare to lift the quilt. She was tortured, but her hearing was extremely sensitive.

She heard Zhou Zixu's chuckle, like a waterfall hitting bluestone from the mountain, it was clear and sweet, with a hint of complacency,

I was so annoyed, how could I be like this in public?This Zhou Zixu was too much.

Hey, shouldn't it be time to tell this person to leave?Always covered by the quilt, she felt that her breath was hot and stuffy.

"Go back quickly! Did you get punished last time?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu who was smiling brightly, her heart lake seemed to have been thrown a stone, and her tenderness was rippling.

She raised her hand to brush Zhou Zixu's handsome cheek, his skin made her jealous.

My skin is good, which is the result of using light waves for beauty treatment in the space capsule. Zhou Zixu trained in the wind and rain, and has never taken care of his skin, but it is better than his own skin.

She is obviously tall and enchanting, but she has no female features at all, and her sharp eyebrows and eyes make people dare not underestimate her.

I guess it's not just me who is jealous, even women are jealous of his good skin, how many of them don't turn dark under the wind and sun?Not only black, but also black and bright.Always squinting, most of the eyes have crow's feet.

Zhou Zixu grabbed Lu Sihui's hand, with an innocent and pitiful look on his face, and his voice seemed to be coquettish.

"Punishment, shouldn't you comfort me?"

(End of this chapter)

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