Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1207 I don't believe it at all

Chapter 1207 I don't believe it at all
Zhou Zixu grabbed her little hand that was taking advantage of her, raised his eyebrows playfully, and the meaning in his narrowed eyes was very clear.

"Go back quickly!"

Lu Sihui withdrew her hand, her face turned cold, she didn't want to play "improper for children" again.

Moreover, Zhou Zixu's way of pretending to be pitiful, she has seen a lot, and she will never believe it again.

"So cruel? Do you know? When I go back, half of the time I won't be able to see you."

Zhou Zixu was dissatisfied with her and withdrew his hand, grabbed her again, approached her side, looked down at Lu Sihui with his bright black eyes, she was so beautiful, he couldn't bear to look away.

"Yes, if you mess around again, I will ignore you."

Lu Sihui pushed Zhou Zixu violently with both hands, not letting him approach, raised her head, looked into his eyes seriously, and lectured him with her lips.

Zhou Zixu bowed his head with a smirk, and looked at her meaningfully.

"Really? Do you really have the heart? Huh?"

The elongated ending, the faint voice, and the enthusiastic gaze caused Lu Sihui to lose his mind for a while.

Her hand seemed to be pressing on a hard rock, and she really wanted to punch her hard, but she held back.


She cursed angrily and gave him a big white eye.

"Are you willing?"

Zhou Zixu approached again, leaving her nowhere to escape.The man's masculine breath invaded, and he couldn't escape it.

The smirking Zhou Zixu, the magnified handsome face, none of the facial features are perfect, and the combination is amazing.

Lu Sihui couldn't help poking his face in jealousy. She was prettier than a woman, and the worst thing was that she liked it. She liked the way he looked at her with a smirk.

It made her heart tremble. She wanted to be with him and never be separated. Such a good-looking man must be watched carefully, lest Yingying and Yanyan come to snatch him.

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law's bewildered and bewildered eyes, and in those beautiful rippling eyes, there was admiration for his beauty. He raised his eyebrows with a smirk, and pinched Lu Sihui's small chin to prevent her from having another chance. get away.

Leaning over and lowering her head, Lu Sihui wanted to push him away while she was still intoxicated, but she didn't seem to have the strength in her hands.

"I'm leaving. I guess I won't be here for a few days. Don't miss me."

For a long time, Zhou Zixu let go of her reluctantly, with a strong reluctance in his voice, he felt uncomfortable at the thought of being separated, he didn't want to leave Sihui for a moment.

"Go! May you go here and return triumphantly."

Lu Sihui's voice was not much better than his, it was equally hoarse, and she was still secretly angry, Zixu hooked her soul away, he tugged the skirt of his clothes backwards, straightened his clothes, took a deep look at Lu Sihui, and walked away Steady and vigorous steps are about to open the door and leave.

He walked cleanly, without daring to turn his head, for fear that if he slowed down, he would be reluctant to leave.

He raised his hands up and waved them slowly, promising with pride:

"Don't worry, I promise you the first place, and I will take it back."

Lu Sihui looked at his back in a daze, and walked out gracefully.

Zhou Zixu opened the door of the ward, and found his sister-in-law standing by the door with a flushed face, and immediately realized that she and Sihui had just been seen by her sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, I'm leaving, thank you for your hard work."

Raising his hands in salute, there was no trace of embarrassment on his face, and with a determined look on his face, he strode away.

"Huh, really, they are also brothers, and the two brothers' personalities are too far apart?"

Li Yanhong watched Zhou Zixu's back disappear into the stairs, and then shook her head and sighed.

"Make room, I'm going in."

(End of this chapter)

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