Chapter 1215

"Still talking! My heart almost stopped in fright."

Li Yanhong glared at her, making an exaggerated gesture of covering her heart.

"Your mental quality is not good! Really stand on the stage, if the enemy is in front of you, you must cover up."

Lu Sihui made fun of her, and realized that she was only excited just now, not scared at all.

"The sky is high, let the birds fly, sister-in-law, let's move forward."

Lu Sihui pointed at the station with her tender white fingers, as if giving an order to charge, with high spirits.

"Your elder brother knows, he must call me nonsense."

Li Yanhong followed behind her and thought about it, and found that being with Lu Sihui required an adventurous spirit, and she didn't know when she would come up with a weird idea.

"No, big brother loves you very much now."

Lu Sihui turned her head and winked at her narrowly. Zhou Zisong took care of Li Yanhong but he didn't take off his clothes and didn't sleep.

"Come on! If he can treat me like Zixu treats you, even if his life is shortened by ten years, I am willing."

Li Yanhong was a little disappointed, southern women, how much romantic feelings, she is no exception.

"If you live less than ten years, then you die, and elder brother finds another woman, are you willing?"

Lu Sihui said something with a smile, Meimou stared at the stop sign, saw clearly that the No. 2 bus was going to Junguan School, walked over, and waited at the stop sign.

There were already more than a dozen people lined up under the stop sign. After doing the math, there would still be seats on the bus. She waited patiently for the bus.

"Your elder brother won't find someone else?"

Li Yanhong followed behind her, still struggling with Lu Sihui's words, as long as she thought of Zhou Zisong being with other women, her heart would ache.

"Of course not, big brother is an ice cube, who can stand him except you?"

Lu Sihui rolled her eyes, as long as she thought of Zhou Zisong's iceberg face, she would think Li Yanhong was a masochist.

"makes sense."

Li Yanhong was relieved, she had to work hard for a long time to win his heart, other women might not even have the chance to get close.

"The car is here."

Lu Sihui yelled, and Li Yanhong hurriedly followed her gaze to see that the bus was coming.

Following the people in the queue to get on the bus, the two of them got seats next to each other. Lu Sihui leaned against the window and finally got out, yearning for the fresh air outside.

The bus stopped at the stop, and soon the inside of the bus was packed like shark cans, and the aisles were full of people.

The smell inside the car is terrible, it smells like smoke, sweat, and inferior toilet water. A mixture of several smells is bad enough. The most unbearable thing is that the person standing next to them has body odor and their arms are raised Pulling the top handle, the smell choked my nose.

Li Yanhong obviously felt uncomfortable, her face turned red, and she tried hard to resist the feeling of vomiting.

Lu Sihui glanced at the girl standing next to them, and could see that she was very inferior. Seeing that Li Yanhong was uncomfortable, she hurriedly took off her arms, and stuck her hands on her trousers in embarrassment.

But in this way, she couldn't stand steadily, and she swayed back and forth as the car moved.

"Who is this? Have body odor and squeeze the bus, have you considered others?"

With a voice in a Beijing accent, there was a sound of disgust, and the girl had tears in her eyes, and she lowered her head even more inferiorly.

Seeing her low self-esteem, Lu Sihui glared at the man who was talking, in his 40s, with an arrogant face, when looking at people, she wished she could roll her eyes to the sky.

Seeing that everyone around her was staring at the little girl, she was about to cry, Lu Sihui stood up abruptly, and spoke coldly.

"It's me, what's the matter? I hate you and don't take the car."

(End of this chapter)

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