Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1216 What a big deal

Chapter 1216 What a big deal
She was dressed in a uniform, her eyes were sharp, and the chill all over her body rose rapidly. She didn't look at anyone else, but just stared at the arrogant man.

If you dress like a dog, can't you consider other people's feelings?
Li Yanhong couldn't help covering her nose. Seeing this, Lu Sihui gave her her seat by the window. Li Yanhong quickly opened the window, lying on the window and vomited outside.

"For some reason, it made people vomit. Let's talk about it, should she not take the bus? She has no sense of public morality."

The man's arrogance was extinguished, but Lu Sihui's eyes were so sharp that he didn't dare to face him.

But now, seeing Li Yanhong throwing up, he excitedly pointed at Lu Sihui, shouting louder than before.

"My sister-in-law is pregnant. She was vomited by your bad breath, so keep your mouth shut."

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, knowing in her heart that her sister-in-law couldn't stand the taste, but when she saw the girl's sad appearance, she remembered the former owner, who was teased and bullied just because she was fat and ugly. It is the one with the most low self-esteem and the most in need of warmth.

Seeing her fierce eyes, the man was too frightened to make a sound, and squeezed past her.

The girl glanced at Lu Sihui gratefully, and then at Li Yanhong who was vomiting, and she squeezed towards the door.

"What flavor?"

As soon as she squeezed past, someone covered her nose. The girl was too frightened to raise her head, let alone move, and stood there stiffly.

Lu Sihui frowned, and suddenly wanted to help her.

"Cure her."

She gave orders to the robot, and the people around her looked over in puzzlement. Li Yanhong was exhausted from vomiting just now, and she was leaning weakly on the car seat. She didn't hear Lu Sihui's words clearly.

"Cure who?"

Robots can't analyze, how can they know who is talking about a sentence without thinking?

Lu Sihui was speechless and didn't dare to say it again, so she had to wait for a chance to get some medicine for body odor for the poor girl when no one was around.

Sitting, you can see her side face, with beautiful lines, high nose bridge, long and curved eyebrows, flying obliquely into the temples, drooping eyes, long dense eyelashes fluttering slightly like feathers, showing her uneasiness.

She was a pretty little girl, but she had a disease that she couldn't control, so she was laughed at and couldn't hold her head up.

After making up her mind to help her, she began to pay attention to the little girl, and it was Lu Sihui's righteousness just now, and these people didn't say anything more.

Soon, there were fewer and fewer people in the car, and further forward was the terminal, which was the official school that Lu Sihui was going to.

With a thought, could it be that this little girl is also in the Junguan School?
"Hello what is your name?"

She looked at the little girl who hadn't dared to look up since getting in the car, and asked with a smile.

Lu Sihui helped her just now, and the little girl was still very grateful to her. Seeing Lu Sihui asking, although she was still a little nervous, she answered truthfully: "My name is Li Mingying."

"It's a nice name."

Lu Sihui smiled deeper, maybe because of her gentle attitude, the little girl couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Grabbing the armrest behind the car seat, she whispered something.

"Thank you just now."

"You're welcome."

Lu Sihui smiled: "Does your family have any relatives in Junguan School?"

"My brother is an instructor over there."

Li Mingying reversed her timidity just now, and when she mentioned her brother, her eyes were full of pride.

"What a coincidence? My man is training at the Junguan School! We just happened to go together."

Li Yanhong looked at Lu Sihui sadly, her stomach was still churning!Can you stop torturing yourself?

Lu Sihui took a look at her, stood up and walked towards the little girl. If it's cured, it's fine. What's the big deal?
(End of this chapter)

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