Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1217 Suffered from an Unreasonable Disaster

Chapter 1217 Suffered from an Unreasonable Disaster
Walking to Li Mingying, she pulled her towards the back seat, because the back seat was bumpy and no one wanted to sit there.

"Sit down! How tiring to stand."

"Thank you."

Li Mingying glanced at Lu Sihui quickly, thanking her for not despising herself.

"I nourish the gods."

After Lu Sihui said something, she closed her eyes. Li Mingying lowered her eyelids in frustration, pinching the front of her clothes with both hands, feeling very uncomfortable.

"It's her, cured."

Lu Sihui spoke suddenly, startling Li Mingying, and looking at Lu Sihui again, her eyes were still tightly closed.

What about talking in your sleep?This fell asleep fast enough.

She whispered in her heart, but she was careful not to make a sound. When the car was bumping violently, she subconsciously raised her hand to protect Lu Sihui's head.

What a kind girl.

Although Lu Sihui didn't open her eyes, she could still feel her concern.

The robot knew the target this time, and gave Lu Sihui a nano-robot that was hard to spot with eyes. Lu Sihui held it in his hand calmly, wondering how to feed it to her?
"Are you embarrassed by the smell?"

She suddenly opened her eyes and asked Li Mingying.

Li Mingying was not prepared at all, her face flushed immediately, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and refused to say anything.

"This medicine is designed to treat your disease. After taking it, it will lose its taste after a while."

Lu Sihui spread her hands, revealing a pill that looked like vitamin C.

Li Mingying hesitated, she didn't dare to take it and eat it, her mother said, there are flower shoots, and they only pick young girls and children to start with.

"If you don't have the guts to eat it, forget it."

Lu Sihui laughed at herself, she wanted to help her, but the little girl was obviously wary of herself, so she couldn't afford to be suspected by her.

They held hands, stood up, and planned to return to Li Yanhong's side.

Li Mingying missed this opportunity, and she will not meddle in her own business in the future.

"Wait. Sister, can this really cure my illness?"

Li Mingying was too eager to be like a normal person, so she grabbed Lu Sihui and looked at her anxiously.

"If in doubt, don't eat."

Lu Sihui turned cold and didn't even bother to explain.

Moreover, she didn't want to stay any longer, she was about to arrive at the station, and she had to see her sister-in-law.

"No, give it to me, I'm not afraid, you are a good person."

Seeing that hope was about to disappear, Li Mingying anxiously stopped Lu Sihui.

"Give you."

Lu Sihui handed her the nanorobot, watched her swallow it coldly, and ignored her.

She was a little annoyed that the helper was still suspected.

"Sister-in-law, it's time to stop."

I helped Li Yanhong up in the past, was she too serious, she had no strength to walk, she was more sick than herself.

"Sister, thank you."

Li Mingying came after her to thank her, but Lu Sihui just raised her hand to prevent her from continuing.

He helped Li Yanhong to the door and got off at the station.

"I'll help you up."

Li Mingying felt even more embarrassed and came over to help.

Li Yanhong stepped aside with a pale face, she didn't want to vomit anymore.

But the strange thing is that the smell is gone, and there is even a faint fragrance.

He glanced at Li Mingying in surprise, wasn't she just now?It's really possible that the girl suffered an unreasonable disaster, and someone else was sick, and it was framed on her.

"Comrade driver, let's get off."

Lu Sihui looked at the stop sign and yelled at the driver.

The car stopped, she helped Li Yanhong get out of the car, looked at the Junguan School not far away, and thought of Zixu who was about to meet, her eyes lit up with joy.

Li Mingying caught up and asked, "Sister, who are you in this school?"

(End of this chapter)

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