Chapter 1218
"My husband is studying here!"

Lu Sihui turned her head and glanced at her. The sun shone on the little girl's face, which made her look like a lotus in water. She was a very clean beauty.

No hiding, just telling the truth.

"My brother is an instructor here."

Li Mingying smiled. She thought she could repay Lu Sihui by letting her elder brother open the back door, but she didn't dare to say that after thinking of that cold and unkind elder brother.

She is not sure that her eldest brother can help herself?

"You said it in the car."

Lu Sihui smiled faintly. She helped Li Mingying not because she wanted to help Zixu get through the back door. She won with her own ability, that would be beautiful.

The bright red flag fluttered, and Lu Sihui was excited when she saw it. She really wanted to go back to her work unit, and she didn't want to go back to the hospital for a moment.

"Who are you looking for?"

The guard stared at the three women sternly, two were in uniform and one was in casual clothes, none of them were from the Junguan School.

"Look for my husband. He is here to participate in the training for senior officials. His name is Zhou Zixu."

Lu Sihui stepped forward to salute, clearly expressing the person she was looking for.

"I'm looking for my elder brother, Sun Guohao, who works as an instructor here."

Li Mingying stepped forward and spoke timidly. She was still a little afraid of dealing with people, because of her low self-esteem, she couldn't get well soon.

What's more, she hasn't realized that she is healed yet, and she is a little far away from Comrade Guard.

"Okay, I'll make a call."

Comrade guard nodded and went into the post to call the office.

Soon he came out and glanced at the three women outside: "Go in! Go straight, Instructor Sun is waiting for you at the gate of the office building."

He opened the door and let her go. Lu Sihui helped Li Yanhong into the special school.

She looked around curiously, especially eager to have the opportunity to study here.

The three of them walked along the concrete road to the office building, and saw a tall green figure from a distance, running to the front of the office building, he was saluting the instructor, his movements were standard and powerful.

Lu Sihui couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth, isn't that Zhou Zixu?

"Instructor, Zhou Zixu is reporting."

"Well, your wife is here to see you."

Instructor Sun nodded, staring in the direction of the door with deep and indifferent eyes, and clenched his big hands suddenly.

Zhou Zixu turned around excitedly, and when he saw his daughter-in-law approaching gracefully, he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth with a bright smile.

[Daughter-in-law is so kind, I know I miss her, so I come here to express my condolences. 】

[Is this called a tacit understanding? 】

He was so smug in his heart that Lu Sihui had already walked in front of him, looked at him and smiled.

"I'm here to see you."

She smiled beautifully, the indifference in her eyes was covered by tenderness, there was no one else in her eyes, only Zhou Zixu in front of her.

"Zhou Zixu, why are you being so flustered?"

Instructor Sun suddenly poured cold water on the two of them, staring at Zhou Zixu with gloomy eyes, holding back the anger in his eyes.

His voice was not high, but he was not angry. How could he be deceived by Zhou Zixu after he had been an instructor for a long time?
"Why did I panic?"

Happy to see my wife!He didn't react at all to Instructor Sun's sudden words.

Instructor Sun raised his finger to land on Lu Sihui, the anger in his eyes became even hotter, and he looked at Lu Sihui sharply.

"Is your wife seriously injured?"

"By the way, Sihui, why did you leave the hospital? Did the doctor agree?"

After listening to the instructor's words, Zhou Zixu came to his senses, and asked Lu Sihui's hand tightly.

There was worry in his eyes that couldn't be hidden, he was so happy, how could he forget about his wife's serious injury?


Lu Sihui's face darkened, and she snorted through her nose.

Looking at Instructor Sun coldly, he had a bad impression of him, why didn't he ask anything, and just taught Zixu like this?

The instructor dared to stare at Lu Sihui when he saw Lu Sihui?Even more angry, people are already on the verge of rage.

(End of this chapter)

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