Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1220 I Don't Want To Make It Big

Chapter 1220 I Don't Want To Make It Big
Zhou Zixu uttered wild words, if he made a mistake, he could accept the punishment, and he would never compromise.

"Huh, I really regret that I sent you off in person? Okay, you go and sue me! I'll wait for you."

Instructor Sun was so angry that his heart hurt so badly that he almost vomited blood, and told him not to be an instructor, so let's wait and see.

"Okay, I'll go to the principal right now. If the principal doesn't care, I'll go to the big leaders. If they also say that I'm wrong, let alone dismissed from the Junguan School, even if I'm expelled from the Junguan, I will have no complaints. "

Zhou Zixu got into a fight with him today, and he refused to back down even a single step.

"Brother, many people bullied me in the car. Sister Lu Sihui helped me. You can't do that."

Li Mingying was frightened, and walked over to pull Sun Guohao's sleeve.

They say they are elder brothers, but they are actually godbrothers and sisters. They are called to the outside world, but to the inside, they are the baby kisses they have set up a long time ago.

Before, Sun Guohao disliked her smell and refused to marry her.

In Sun's house, Li Mingying took care of the two old people and her younger siblings without complaint.

This time, Sun Guohao's father sent her here for the purpose of registering her marriage. She is a grown-up, and if she stays in Sun's house for no apparent reason, it will be unreasonable.

"Go away."

Sun Guohao withdrew his hand back with a dark face. The reason why he was so angry was that he was forced to marry.

His parents made him marry Li Mingying desperately. They were dissatisfied with the arranged marriage and didn't want to marry her at all.

But his father said that if he didn't marry, he would come to Junguan School and hang himself, making him ashamed to be a man.

Li Mingying lowered her head sadly, like an angry little daughter-in-law, not daring to say another word.

"Zixu, it seems that the leader has to come forward for this matter. You instructors have a lot of face. Let the leader prove to me whether he was seriously injured and hospitalized, or whether he escaped death or not?"

Lu Sihui saw his attitude towards Li Mingying, which was so majestic, she must clarify the matter today.

You can't harm Zhou Zixu because of yourself.

"This instructor, we sneaked out of the hospital. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask. The hospital knows about Lu Sihui."

Li Yanhong wanted to calm the matter down, and didn't want to make matters worse.

He is an instructor, so he still has certain authority over how to decide and punish.

Sun Guohao let out a long breath, calmed down now, and then remembered that the day Zhou Zixu left, it was a call from the hospital, unless it was a call from a family member pretending to be the hospital.

In addition, if Lu Sihui's injury was fake, then Zhou Zixu would not dare to let him drive him.

Wouldn't it be revealed in the hospital?

Now that things are getting serious, if you really go to the leader to file a complaint, you will be punished yourself.

Li Yanhong gave him a step, snorted coldly, and put on airs:

"I'll call the hospital to verify the situation. If it turns out that you're lying, even if you're making a fuss, I'll deduct points from you. I should clear you. It won't work if you ask for mercy."

He was talking about the scene, Zhou Zixu raised his arrogant eyebrows coldly, and snorted coldly: "It's up to you."

"I'm sorry, Zixu, I sneaked out of the hospital to cheer you up, and almost killed you."

Lu Sihui apologized to Zhou Zixu. She regretted that she came to see Zixu on impulse and caused him trouble.

"You still know that you are wrong? Sister-in-law, how can you let Sihui mess around, what kind of body do you dare to sneak out?"

Zhou Zixu didn't appreciate it, and scolded his daughter-in-law with a straight face. Although he was happy to see her, he was worried when he thought of her wounds.

"It's time for the meeting, please leave."

(End of this chapter)

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