Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1221 Do you not want to marry her?

Chapter 1221 Do you not want to marry her?
The machismo Sun Guohao, because Lu Sihui challenged his authority, didn't like her. Seeing that the two of them chatted, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and started to chase her away.

"Zixu, let's go, come on."

Lu Sihui didn't want to delay Zhou Zixu's future because of a trivial matter, so she clenched her fist at him as a sign of cheering.

"Go back and be careful. After I finish the game, I will go to the hospital to accompany you."

When they met, they were about to separate, and Sun Guohao delayed the time. Zhou Zixu felt unhappy, and took his wife's hand and told him.

"Sister, goodbye."

Seeing that Lu Sihui was about to leave, Li Mingying walked over timidly and waved goodbye to them.

She is so envious of Lu Sihui's domineering, she is not afraid when brother Guohao is angry.

"Sister, I'll give you a piece of advice. It's hard to find three-legged toads, but there are plenty of people with two legs. Come to the Northeast, and I'll find you an indomitable man, and I promise to be better than him."

Lu Sihui saw Li Mingying's affectionate eyes on Sun Guohao, and Sun Guohao's dislike for her, and immediately femininity exploded again.

Why should such a beautiful girl be looked down upon by him?
When the instructor is outside, people help him take care of his parents, don't you know how to be grateful?

Sun Guohao's face turned into a pig's liver when he was angry, but he couldn't answer the question and quarrel with the woman because of this issue.

There was a sudden storm in his eyes, his mouth was pursed tightly, his eyes were sharp and cold, as if he wanted to scare Lu Sihui away with his eyes.

"Hmph, the fox pretends to be the tiger, don't think that men are stronger than women."

Lu Sihui greeted him with disdain. She was unwilling to be used to such an arrogant man.

"Zhou Zixu, your daughter-in-law is too arrogant, she should be taught a lesson, otherwise you will suffer in the future."

Sun Guohao couldn't quarrel with Lu Sihui, but he could scold Zhou Zixu.

"Ha, I just like my daughter-in-law's arrogance. That's because she has the capital. Why should I teach her a lesson? Didn't she say something wrong? I think what she said is right, men and women hold up half the sky, daughter-in-law, right?"

Zhou Zixu grinned, watching his daughter-in-law confess with tender eyes.

Seeing his doting on his wife, Sun Guohao was so angry that he suddenly turned around and walked towards the teaching building, before leaving, he dropped a sentence.

"Losing a man's face."

"elder brother"

Li Mingying was thrown outside the office door, but she didn't dare to go in easily, so she called out to Sun Guohao.

"What are you shouting for? How did you come here? You can go back by yourself."

Sun Guohao didn't turn his head, and didn't care if Li Mingying was in danger if she went back by herself?
Li Mingying's eye circles suddenly turned red, what should she do?She is 22 years old this year, and she is a big girl in the village.

Moreover, she has been taking care of the second elder of the Sun family all these years, and everyone in the village knows that she is Sun Guohao's daughter-in-law.

This time he came here for marriage, he drove him away, did he not want to marry her?
"Sister, come with me! There are many good guys, why do you have to find someone who doesn't like me? Go to the northeast with me, and I will introduce you to Falcon. Anyone who picks out is better than him."

Lu Sihui couldn't watch her cry, this girl has no self in her life, why is she so similar to the original owner?

They are all child relatives and child brides, and they are all rejected by men.

If she could find a man as good as Zhou Zixu, she would definitely be able to find him too.

No. 13, No. [-] have no partners, and Wang Yuzhu, find someone who is kind and righteous to spend the rest of his life, why should he be bullied?
Sun Guohao inside the door heard it, his anger was steaming, his face was as black as Xuan Tie, why is this woman so annoying, she wants to introduce his daughter-in-law to others?

(End of this chapter)

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