Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1234 How about we compare once

Chapter 1234 How about we compare once

Sun Guohao frowned and looked at Zhong Guoqiang, this is not waiting to fight!Started to stage fright?

As a commander, stage fright will kill fellow stationmates.

Compared with his hesitation, Zhou Zixu is calm and confident, giving people the feeling that he is not at the same level.

Just like a college student taking an exam with a junior high school student.

He is almost certain that after this competition, who will win?
"It's decided."

Zhong Guoqiang raised his hand to wipe his sweat, took a deep breath, and then saluted and reported. His eyebrows were furrowed tightly, revealing his nervousness.

The leader frowned slightly, giving him a score lower than Zhou Zixu's in his heart.

The plans were handed over to the leader. After he had read them, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Zixu with excitement. This is really a gentleman.

The competition started, and the two sides began to form an ice formation, and the winner was quickly determined. Zhong Guoqiang was wiped out by Zhou Zixu, and the commander was not spared.

Zhong Guoqiang couldn't believe that he would lose so badly?Obviously he has a natural barrier to protect him, even if Zhou Zixu can win, he shouldn't lose so badly?
There were big drops of sweat on his forehead, he staggered back two steps, pointed at Zhou Zixu and shook his head: "How did you come up with such a beating?"

Zhou Zixu smiled openly, and his confident black eyes sparkled: "You still don't understand me, Zhong Guoqiang, but I understand you very well."

"I don't know you?"

Zhong Guoqiang muttered this sentence in a low voice?Suddenly he raised his head abruptly, and looked at Zhou Zixu in disbelief.

"Thought it? Haha, now, it's too late."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows proudly. His commando took down the people hiding in the dark and guarded the key position leading to the high ground. This is the fist fight he advocated before.

His attack method was the one he used when confronting Zhou Zisong last time.

If Zhong Guoqiang knew himself well enough and looked at the terrain, he should have thought of his attack plan.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. Know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Also, the commander must be confident. You lose because you are hesitant and have no self-confidence. If you encounter a strong enemy on the field, with the psychological quality you are showing now, I am really sorry for you." Your stationmates are worried."

Zhou Zixu clapped his big hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

Zhong Guoqiang's face was blue and white, his big hands clenched into fists, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Zhou Zixu.

There was still reconciliation in his eyes, and he still didn't believe that he would lose so badly.

"Haha, not bad, not bad! Zhou Zixu, I like you."

The leader stood up and took the lead in applauding Zhou Zixu, looking at his eyes, as if he had discovered a rare treasure.

Sun Guohao glanced at Zhou Zixu, he didn't expect this kid to be so powerful, why didn't he remember the attack plan just now?
He has used the ice technique like a raging fire, in the future.
He may have to call Zhou Zixu's leader one day.

Zhou Zixu got No.1 here, and the person he most wants to share his happiness with is Sihui.

This is what he promised her, and if he did it, Sihui will be happy.

The leader called him to the office and personally issued new instructions. Since he won the No. 1 evaluation of the monarch, he was immediately promoted to deputy minister. He will issue a monarch's order as soon as he returns to let him perform well and have a bright future.

After seeing off the leader, Sun Guohao came over to praise him: "Zhou Zixu, there are two tricks, and you didn't embarrass me."

Zhou Zixu twitched the corner of his mouth, did he embarrass him?Suddenly he smiled, and with a hero hidden in his eyes, he leaned into Sun Guohao's ear and whispered: "Instructor, how about we compete?"

(End of this chapter)

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