Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1235 You...deceived too much

Chapter 1235 You are bullying too much
The smile on the corner of Sun Guohao's mouth froze, his face darkened, and he glared at him angrily: "Are you trying to say that I am not as good as you?"

"Of course not, I just want to learn from each other."

Zhou Zixu rubbed his big hands together, smiling brightly, his peach blossom eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

"Go away."

Sun Guohao scolded him in a cold voice, actually he had no idea in his heart, if he fought Zhou Zixu in that sand table station, he might also lose.

"Zhou Zixu, have you forgotten what you said?"

The two were talking, when Zhong Guoqiang approached him angrily, and asked Zhou Zixu about it.

Zhou Zixu didn't bother to talk to him, but took out a cigarette and handed it to the instructor. He tapped the cigarette case on the back of his hand twice, and a cigarette jumped out obediently, and he grabbed it gracefully.

Not in a hurry to light, he lit a cigarette for the instructor first, then turned back to light his own, took a deep breath, and suddenly blew the cigarette onto Zhong Guoqiang's face, with his little finger digging his ears and eyes, and asked him a sideways look.

"What did I say?"

With this appearance, it seemed that he didn't take Zhong Guoqiang seriously at all, and his contempt was all in his actions.

"You deceive people too much."

Zhong Guoqiang dispersed the smoke with a wave of his hand, glaring at Zhou Zixu like a wolf looking at a dying animal, wanting to bite off his throat immediately.

"I deceive people too much? How do you say this?"

Zhou Zixu smiled, this smile is full of romantic feelings, but Zhong Guoqiang is very angry, handsome, and more evil than women, how can he be so powerful?

He has already used [-]% of his efforts, but he only used [-]% of his effort to easily defeat him. He is not reconciled, really not reconciled.

"Didn't you say that after the exam, you will try to climb the office building with your bare hands?"

In front of Instructor Sun, Zhong Guoqiang didn't care to say it.

Anyway, he wasn't number one, anyway, in the eyes of the leader looking at him, he saw disappointment, so he smashed the jar and pulled Zhou Zixu down.

At least he beat him on this point, and among the students, he wasn't so ashamed.

"What are you talking about? You have to ask the instructor and the principal if you want to let us go? We are iron-blooded men, not martial arts. We just pull out the competition casually, and we must follow the rules in everything."

Zhou Zixu taught him a serious lesson, in front of Instructor Sun, he was a good iron-blooded man.

"Stop pretending, you are a coward, and you are afraid of losing face to me."

Zhong Guoqiang gritted his teeth and revealed a sneer of disdain.

At this time, he was pretending, but it was just to cover up his unwillingness.

Zhou Zixu took a puff of cigarette, and blew out smoke rings in the air, he blew out very well, first a small circle, then a big circle to enclose the small circle, one ring after another, he spit out five smoke rings in a row a smoke ring.

He envied Sun Guohao, he also wanted to try such a chic way of smoking.

However, this has to be practiced when you are alone.

Seeing that Zhou Zixu didn't answer him, Zhong Guoqiang was furious like a crazy leopard. He took off the hat on his head, his eyes stared like huge light bulbs, and roared at Zhou Zixu.

"Answer me, are you afraid of losing to me? If so, then admit defeat."

His yell alarmed the students around him. We were about to say goodbye, and the comrades were exchanging greetings and establishing contacts, and they were a little reluctant to part.

Just as he was talking, I will buy you a drink when you come to our side, when he heard his furious roar.

Seeing Zhou Zixu again, everyone wanted to see, what happened to these two?We separated immediately, why are we still fighting?
(End of this chapter)

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