Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1243 Let's Don't Add Trouble

Chapter 1243 Let's Don't Add Trouble
Fortunately for him, this is the nano-robot. As long as he eats it, his wound infection will disappear.

"Why don't you dare to take it? Are you afraid of being killed by the medicine?"

She used the aggressive method.

"Tch, I'm not afraid."

Zhou Zhiqiang couldn't bear the excitement, so he threw the pill into his mouth, and without using water, he straightened his neck and swallowed it.

The smile on Lu Sihui's lips deepened a little, she left him alone and started to pack her things.

【Zhou Zixu, I see you coming to pick me up and leave the hospital? 】

I was secretly angry in my heart, I glanced at my watch, it was already nine o'clock, and he still didn't come?
"Sihui, I have completed all the formalities."

Li Yanhong came over at eight o'clock, and took her things to help Lu Sihui go through the discharge procedures.

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Lu Sihui glanced at her rosy cheeks, she was in good spirits, the happiness of being a first-time mother was written in her eyes!
"I didn't buy you breakfast. Let's go out to eat. The hospital smells like medicine."

Li Yanhong wanted to help Lu Sihui carry the bag, but she changed it to the other hand, smiled and shook her head, Sihui was afraid that she would be exhausted.

This person has a cold face and a warm heart. If she can't speak, it doesn't mean she doesn't care about people.

"Zixu hasn't come yet? Didn't you take the exam yesterday?"

Li Yanhong looked towards the door.He knew that what Lu Sihui wanted to see most at the moment was him.

"Don't worry about him, let's go eat."

Lu Sihui said in a muffled voice, she is also a little girl, she wants Zixu to care about him.

The school was so strict before, so he asked for leave to see her, and he graduated today, why is there no one there?

"Don't be angry, there are a lot of things to do just after graduation, maybe a certificate is being issued! You can't leave at this time."

Li Yanhong smiled and helped her brother-in-law.

"Sister-in-law is too right."

Zhou Zixu appeared at the door with a smile on his face. It could be seen that he was leaving in a hurry. There was a layer of sweat on the tip of his nose, and his eyes were shining when he looked at Lu Sihui.

She is angry?So lovely
"What grade did you pass?"

When Lu Sihui saw the person, all the resentment in her heart disappeared, she went up to him with a smile, and asked about Zixu's competition results.

As soon as she finished speaking, the smile on Zhou Zixu's face froze, his eyes showed loneliness, and he lowered his eyelids sadly, and remained silent.

"Didn't pass the exam? It doesn't matter, what we learn is the ability, and we don't care about the ranking, those are all fake."

Seeing Zhou Zixu's expression, Lu Sihui knew that the test was not satisfactory, so she hurriedly took his big hand to persuade him.

However, Zhou Zixu still didn't look up, looking very uncomfortable.

"Like a girl, what's the matter if you don't do well in the exam? As for being downcast?"

I haven't waited for Lu Sihui to persuade Zhou Zixu again!Over there, Zhou Zhiqiang pursed his lips and glared at Zhou Zixu dissatisfied.

"However, it's normal for you to fail the exam, and the little boy has no real skills."

If his first sentence was ugly, then the second sentence was even worse!With one sentence, Zhou Zixu was trampled under his feet.

Zhou Zixu raised his head abruptly, pursed his lips with a gloomy face, and a threatening cold light shot from his black eyes.

"Fuck, don't look at me with that look. If you have the ability, you will get the first place? If you are not convinced, you just can't do it."

Zhou Zhiqiang spit out a curse word sharply, he really didn't know how to comfort others.

"Let's stop making trouble, isn't it interesting? You can go, I bet you are not as good as my Zixu!"

Lu Sihui turned her head and glared at Zhou Zhiqiang, regretting giving him the medicine. If she knew he was like this, would she care if he was infected or not?
Hearing that his daughter-in-law helped him get ahead, Zhou Zixu was delighted. He stared at Lu Sihui's twinkling peach eyes, two beautiful hearts flooded out. He took out his graduation certificate from behind and handed it to her, looking at his wife with a smile.

"Look at it."

(End of this chapter)

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