Chapter 1244

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu suspiciously, but didn't immediately reach out to pick it up.

"What is it?"

He asked him with a cold face, he was already getting angry, how dare he lie to her?See how she cleans him up?
"I won the first place, are you happy?"

Zhou Zixu personally handed over the certificate of completion to Lu Sihui, and looked tenderly into her dark eyes. He originally wanted to tease her, and wanted to hear some words of comfort from his wife.

But forget Sihui's temper, she hates being cheated.


Lu Sihui raised her eyebrows and looked at the red graduation certificate in her hand. It was a very beautiful color, bright and dazzling.

"Well, I will never break my promise to you."

Zhou Zixu knew that he was getting burned, so he quickly corrected his attitude, shook Lu Sihui's hand and confessed affectionately.

Lu Sihui, who was still angry at first, lost her anger when she heard his words. She glared at him reproachfully, and opened the certificate of completion in her hand. There was the word No.1 on it.

"Let me see."

In Zhou Zhiqiang's eyes, it was absolutely impossible for Zhou Zixu to be number one, so he stubbornly believed that he was lying, so he moved his head closer and stared at the words above.

"Zhou Zixu, didn't you change the number one from the bottom to the number one?"

After reading it, he still didn't believe it, and the angry words spit out from his mouth.

"I'll let you know how powerful I am. Why won't your injury heal? My daughter-in-law can be discharged from the hospital. You're occupying the bed, and you're still yelling at me here. Don't be afraid that I'll beat you to death. Are you looking for teeth?"

Zhou Zixu laughed back in anger, challenged Zhou Zhiqiang who was half his head taller, and hinted that he was not in good health and pretended to be sick in the hospital.

"Come on, why do you fight as soon as we meet?"

Li Yanhong was afraid that something would happen when she was discharged from the hospital, so she hurriedly called them to stop.

"Let's go!"

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhou Zhiqiang who was still glaring at Zhou Zixu, and once again regretted helping him to heal his illness.

This person is a good stander, and if he is good, he will be restless.

"Lu Sihui, I will miss you."

Qiu Lihong shouted from behind, and waved to Lu Sihui with a sweet smile.

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui stopped and looked at her. This woman was rescued by her, she was like her treasure, seeing her smiling like a flower, her mood brightened.

"Zhou Zixu, I will definitely defeat you."

Zhou Zhiqiang clenched his fist and challenged Zhou Zixu.

"Waiting for you, don't forget to participate in next year's all-around competition."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, and he didn't take Zhou Zhiqiang's threats to heart at all.

Taking the bag from Lu Sihui's hand, staring at her with dark eyes and smiling: "How about taking you to a wedding?"

The reason for the delay was that a group of students helped the instructors to decorate the dormitory into a new house. Looking at the red happy letter, he remembered the scene of his marriage with Sihui.

"Whose wedding?"

Lu Sihui frowned, a little guessing in her heart, but she felt that she was wrong, how could it be so fast?
"you guess?"

Zhou Zixu helped his daughter-in-law to block the dazzling sunlight, a smile spread in his eyes, and he asked her a little pretending to be mysterious.

"Li Mingying?"

She was the only one Lu Sihui knew. When she left, Lu Sihui got angry and ignored her, and Li Mingying burst into tears.

After that, she felt that she was very boring. Should she be angry about other people's feelings?
Zhou Zixu nodded with a smile, took his daughter-in-law's little hand, and told her what Instructor Sun said.

"You guessed it right, Instructor Sun invited you to the wedding and said that he would thank you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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