Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1250 Something Happened

Chapter 1250 Something Happened

"Comrade, are you from the unit? Go and take care of it! A female iron-blooded team member kicked the door of old man Li's house when she entered the courtyard. Public property, bullying the elderly, your unit has to take care of it.”

"take me."

Zhou Zixu frowned and stared at him. Judging from his dictation, it must be Sihui who can do such a domineering thing.

What made her so anxious was finding someone.

"Okay, it's outrageous. Old Li is so honest, can he break the law? I don't know how your unit educates you when you come to bully him?"

The middle-aged man was chanting in front of him, Zhou Zixu was upset, and couldn't help but reprimand him:

"Shut up, how do you know she's not on a mission?"

The middle-aged man was at a loss for words when he was scolded, and he turned his head to look at him. How could this good-looking man be so unreasonable?

It's similar to the female iron-blooded team member just now.

Soon came to the courtyard, the people in the courtyard gathered around the gate of Uncle Li's house to watch the excitement.

In fact, it was an order from the middle-aged man, Lu Sihui couldn't be allowed to leave, he looked at her and called for someone.

Lu Sihui reached out to lift the lid of the water tank, and everyone outside the room looked at her curiously.

What's in the tank?As for being so cautious?
Also, the strange thing is that Old Li has already come back, someone knocked on the door, and someone came in again, why didn't he come out to take a look?
"Girl, what are you looking for? Old Li's family is poor and white, and they are honest and honest. It is impossible for them to break the law."

An old lady walked in, with gray hair, she looked very neat, her hair was combed smoothly, and was tied behind her head into a bun. Although the clothes were old, they could be washed clean, and the folds were pulled evenly.

Lu Sihui looked back at her, the first thing she saw was her eyes, there was no avoidance, no fear, only dissatisfaction.

Then it proves that she is not a bad person, there is no one in the tank, where can he go?
Looking at the rear window, it is very high from the ground, and you need to step on a stool to get up.

But there was no stool under the window, and she went back to the room on the left. There was no rear window, and the room on the right also had no rear window, which proved that the person was still in this room.

"Girl, you are too outrageous, what are you doing here? How can you rummage all over the room?"

The old lady is usually a person who says what she says, and the neighbors in the yard respect her very much.

Therefore, she was very dissatisfied with Lu Sihui's attitude, and couldn't help raising her voice a little.

Lu Sihui still didn't look at her, but frowned and looked at the ground.

Suddenly, she was attracted by a cellar, and she was about to go there.

The old lady opened her hand to stop her, and shouted at her: "What do you want to do? Copy 1. Home? How can there be such a thing, call your leader?"

"Go away, I'm catching bad guys."

Seeing her age, Lu Sihui didn't push her away like she did to that middle-aged man, but chose to explain something to her, hoping that she would let her go.

"Bad guy? How is it possible? Old Li has lived in this courtyard for more than ten years. He is very honest and a poor guy. How did he become a bad guy?"

Who knew that the old lady became even angrier when she heard that, and stared at Lu Sihui dissatisfiedly, with no intention of giving way at all.

"Sihui, have you caught anyone?"

Zhou Zixu was led into the yard by the middle-aged man, and when he heard a familiar voice, he ran over.

The people around were pushed away by his long arms, and while pushing, he yelled at Lu Sihui who was confronting the old lady in the room.

"Not yet, Madam prevents me from searching."

Lu Sihui turned around and told him the situation.

Just this turning around, something happened.
(End of this chapter)

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