Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1251 The smell of blood makes him excited

Chapter 1251 The smell of blood makes him excited
A man jumped out of the cellar, the dagger in his hand quickly touched the old lady's neck, and with the other hand, he grabbed her and quickly retreated.

All this happened very fast, it can be said that it was lightning and thunder, and no one expected this kind of thing to happen?
"Old Li, what are you doing?"

The middle-aged man wearing glasses shouted at the old man who held the old lady hostage, but after shouting, he felt that something was wrong. Old Li had a hunchback!
But the man in front of him is so straight, his head is even a head taller than before.

The eyes that used to look like they couldn't wake up, flashed fiercely now, like a trapped beast, ready to jump out and bite at any moment.


The old lady was stunned. She couldn't see who was holding her, and she was suddenly dragged away. The cold blade on her neck made her hairs count down. She reached out to Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui, begging them to save her.

"Don't make noise, or I'll cut your throat."

A sinister voice came from behind, and it sounded sinister. The old lady was so frightened that she didn't dare to move.

Both .1 legs were shaking like a pendulum, unable to support the body at all.

Unable to help slipping down, Lao Li angrily picked her up forcefully, leaned his back against the wall, and gave Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui orders in a cold voice.

"Get out, or I'll kill her like a chicken."

That voice, with murderous intent, coupled with his fierce eyes, scared the common people living in the courtyard.
"Comrade, save people! That's my mother."

A couple came and grabbed Zhou Zixu, crying for help.

"Old Li, don't kill anyone!"

"Aunt Wang is good to you, don't be confused, kill for your life, if you have a misunderstanding, just explain it clearly, put down the knife quickly."

The people in front of him started to persuade him, Lao Li glared at Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui irritably, neither of them had any intention of retreating.

"Don't you believe I can kill people?"

He gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength, a bloodstain immediately appeared on the old lady's neck, and the blood came out quickly, and soon flowed onto the collar, which was very shocking.

"Oh, it hurts to death."

The old lady cried out in pain, tears streaming down her face, she looked at Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu for help.

At this moment, she regretted coming over to stop Lu Sihui, otherwise, how could she have suffered an indiscriminate disaster?
"Old Li, don't! Then I'm my mother, your neighbor."

The old lady's son wanted to rush over to save his mother, but saw the dagger in his hand pressed down even harder.

"Oh, I'm going to die, comrade save me."

The old lady kept screaming in pain, and stretched out her hands to Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu, very pitifully.

The neighbors were all terrified, especially the middle-aged man, whose legs were too weak, so he held on to the door frame so that he would not fall.

I was secretly glad that he didn't enter the house just now, otherwise I would be the one who was forced on the neck with a knife right now.

Old Li glared at Lu Sihui, gritted his teeth and grinned, his eyes flashed with crazy light, and the smell of blood excited him.

"Stand back, or I'll cut her throat."

"Okay, let's back off."

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu looked at each other. They were just thinking about husband and wife cooperation, one subduing the old man and the other saving the old lady.

Seeing Old Li screaming frantically, the two looked at each other and said a code word; "I will save the old lady."

Zhou Zixu nodded; "I will arrest people."

This determined the target of each other's attack. Seeing their lips moving, Lao Li shouted in palpitations: "What are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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