Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1252 Do you know this thing?

Chapter 1252 Do you know this thing?

"Let's do this! It's useless for you to hold an old lady hostage. Why don't you replace her with me, with an iron-blooded team member in my hand, so that the unit can listen to your request. Do you think it's okay?"

Lu Sihui walked towards him while talking, Lao Li became vigilant obviously, this woman made him feel scared, and he didn't know why?Being stared at by her is like being stared at by the god of death, unable to escape her palm.

"Go away, back off, or I'll kill her."

"Have you heard that, everyone? Back off, is this excitement something you can watch? Aren't you afraid that you will be his next target?"

Zhou Zixu started chasing people away, almost killing people, these people still dare to watch the fun.

"Comrade, you must save my mother-in-law."

The old lady's daughter-in-law grabbed Zhou Zixu's hand, crying and yelling, but refused to let go.

"Come on."

Zhou Zixu withdrew his hand in disgust, and ordered loudly.

"You go too, all of you, especially you."

Old Li glared at Lu Sihui, and his subordinates worked even harder, but in return for the old lady's screams, he didn't even blink his eyes.

Now he is a trapped beast, very afraid of what will happen if he is caught.

With his identity exposed, he could only find a way to change his identity, but he had to leave here first.

"I've said it all, catch me, let her go, and I promise you will escape."

Lu Sihui had a harmless smile on her face, and her voice sounded clear, hiding her aura, making her look like an ordinary comrade in literature and art, without any threat.

"Hmph, do you think I'm a fool? Leave it to the old lady who can control it, and give you a timed gunpowder instead?"

Lao Li looked at Lu Sihui with a sinister smile, and refused to let go.

Lu Sihui noticed that his eyes were anxious and a little scared, and he would glance into the cellar from time to time.

Xiumei twitched and took a step forward. The dagger in Lao Li's hand pressed nervously on the old lady's neck, and the blood flowed more and more.

"The human body's blood is limited, how long do you think this old lady can last?"

Lu Sihui sneered and raised her finger to point at the old lady's neck. Her coldness shocked Old Li.

She didn't seem to worry about the old lady at all, as if she was saying that the weather today is fine.

Lao Li's palms were sweating, and he was obviously tired from dragging the old lady, because she was frightened and couldn't stand her legs, so he had to pull her hard.

"Did you fucking pee?"

Suddenly, he howled and almost pushed the old lady away.

Lu Sihui took advantage of this time to block his arm holding the knife, and pulled the old lady into her arms.

Zhou Zixu flew over with a stride, and just kicked Lao Li's wrist holding the knife.

When Lao Li wanted to catch the old lady again, he was already guarded by Lu Sihui.

"I fought with you."

Old Li seemed to be crazy, clamoring to fight Zhou Zixu, Lu Sihui took the opportunity to help the old lady out, and asked her children to come and help her away.

"Stand back, the villain is extremely vicious, don't let him catch you."

Lu Sihui ordered coldly, how dare these people surround her?

Behind her was the sound of Zhou Zixu and Lao Li fighting. She turned around to help, but suddenly felt that something was wrong with Lao Li's eyes. There was a ruthlessness in the madness, and there was a hidden meaning of dying together.

And his style of play is also to wrap around Zhou Zixu fiercely, reaching out to hug his waist, no matter how much Zhou Zixu kicks and elbows, he refuses to let go, and the sinister smile on the corner of his mouth looks even more cautious.

She frowned, thinking about it, she remembered that Lao Li had looked towards the cellar a few times, could there be something in it?And this thing can make them die together?
(End of this chapter)

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