Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1255 She Has Such a Strong Sixth Sense

Chapter 1255 She Has Such a Strong Sixth Sense

"Sihui, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that Lu Sihui's expression was different, Zhou Zixu asked in a low voice.

"I seem to see someone in the alley?"

Lu Sihui was a little uncertain, and always felt uneasy if she just took a look.

"I'll go and have a look, you take someone back first."

Lu Sihui explained to Zhou Zixu and ran towards the alley.

Zhou Zixu yelled worriedly, but his daughter-in-law didn't stop walking. Worried about her, she led someone to wait there, ready to respond.

Seeing that Lu Sihui had found him, the men in the alley lamented her strong sixth sense. They didn't dare to stay any longer, turned around and ran, rushing into a house in the nearby alley in a panic.

Lu Sihui was one step too late when she ran over. She didn't find anyone here. She glanced around the alley with sharp eyes, looking for someone who didn't see her face and clothes clearly.

Want to mobilize the space capsule, but in this case, she doesn't know what instructions to give the robot?
He had no choice but to choose to leave. Anyway, he caught one, and he could know the other accomplices only by interrogation.

As soon as he turned around, he heard a woman's nervous cry.

"Who are you?"

Lu Sihui stopped, narrowed her eyes slightly, and quickly ran towards the place where the sound came from.


She stopped as if she heard a muffled hum. For the convenience of observation, she jumped onto the courtyard wall and looked down at each courtyard.

Suddenly, like a civet cat, she quickly ran towards the yard on the right.

At the door of the house, a pair of women's feet in black off-cut cloth shoes kicked the ground, and soon, they were dragged into the house.

Then the door was closed, as if nothing had happened.

Lu Sihui jumped off the courtyard wall, half squatted on the ground, and quietly approached the door with her eyebrows tightly locked.

I stretched out my hand to pull the door and found that it was locked inside. I bit my hair and broke in. However, these bastards have learned how to take hostages.

With Zixu not around, he couldn't guarantee that the hostages would not be hurt while catching the bad guys.

Glancing at the warehouse, she walked in quickly, closed the door and entered the space capsule.

Inside the house, a man wearing a gray jacket, blue polyester card pants, and an old-fashioned blue workman's hat looks very ordinary, just like ordinary workers, but if you look closely, his eyes are not big. His eyes were extremely cruel, with killing intent rising in his eyes.

At this moment, he was lying on the window looking out nervously.

On the ground, lay a middle-aged woman who had fainted from fright. She had an honest appearance and was dressed in ordinary clothes. She probably never dreamed that she could be held hostage by special police even in her own home.

"Fucking motherfucker, what did you do in the barn?"

He watched Lu Sihui enter the barn, and his heart began to beat. This woman was so murderous, and she looked very difficult to deal with.

After waiting for a while, she was not seen coming out of the barn, but the woman on the ground showed signs of awakening.

He rushed over with a stride, took out the dagger in his pocket and pressed it against her throat, pulling her up from the ground, threatening with brutality.

"Dare to shout, I will kill you."

The woman was so frightened that she couldn't speak, and the cold dagger on her neck had already scared her so much that she couldn't speak.

As soon as she nodded her head, the dagger cut her skin, causing sharp pain. Warm blood flowed down the dagger into her collar, and the woman burst into tears. Pants.

The man was still worried about Lu Sihui, and dragged the poor hostage close to the window to look out. What the hell was this dead woman hiding in the warehouse without making a sound?
(End of this chapter)

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