Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1256 Must be silenced

Chapter 1256 Must be silenced
The woman was trembling, she couldn't walk at all, she was dragged by him, all her attention was on the cold dagger.

Don't dare to bow your head, dare not speak, dare not move, and dare not look around
A puff of smoke blows in from under the crack of the door, so thin that you can't see it unless you look carefully.

The woman was dizzy, and felt that the man who was holding her let go of her hand and fell to the ground. She herself felt top-heavy, and lay down on the ground together.

"It's fallen."

The robot was reporting to Lu Sihui, and the screen also showed what happened in the house.

Lu Sihui left the space cabin, glanced at the tools placed in the warehouse, and picked up the shovel casually.

Smashing the door glass will naturally allow her to enter the house, otherwise, the robot can open the door for her, but it is so easy to be suspected.



The glass on the door was shattered, she knocked off the broken glass, reached in and pulled the latch, and walked into the room openly.

The male spy on the ground opened his eyes in a daze, and was facing a pair of cold and beautiful eyes.

It was as clear as ice in winter, and it looked beautiful, but the coldness could make people feel creepy.

He woke up immediately, jumped up, and was about to attack Lu Sihui when he was kicked in the abdomen.

She was obviously such a beautiful woman, but the strength of her feet seemed to break his intestines.

He clutched his stomach and rolled over on the ground, he touched the dagger casually, he secretly held it in his hand, when Lu Sihui came to grab him, he quickly lifted it up, and stabbed at her heart.

The speed of this blow was not so fast, he used almost all his strength, as long as he was stabbed, he could escape immediately, of course, before leaving, he had to kill the hostess of this house, because she saw his appearance , must be silenced.

Thinking that his surprise attack would be successful, the man's ruthless eyes flashed with pride, so what if the female monarch is powerful?Didn't he get killed by himself?
If you say that women are useless, they will never be able to beat men.

It's a pity that before the pride in his eyes disappeared, the dagger in his hand was only an inch away from Lu Sihui's heart. Lu Sihui pinched the numb tendon on his wrist, and he couldn't use any more strength.

Watching helplessly as the dagger slipped from his hand and closed on his thigh.

When the piercing pain hit, he hadn't realized that he had missed his hand. How could he have missed it in such a safe situation?
"stand up."

Lu Sihui picked him up by the collar, picked him up from the ground, and dragged him outside.

The saboteur was also unlucky, with a dagger stuck in his thigh, blood gushed out violently, and walking would undoubtedly aggravate the pain.

"What are you doing? I'm a good man."

He began to struggle desperately and argue loudly, but Lu Sihui ignored him and pinched his pain point with all her strength.

"Ah, the female iron-blooded team member beat someone."

The man started to howl like ghosts and wolves, but in return Lu Sihui treated him even more cruelly.

"You broke into private houses, kidnapped ordinary people, and attacked team members with a dagger. How can you be a good person?"

Lu Sihui sneered and dragged him out, the shout naturally attracted the neighbors around.

The alley in front is catching traitors, and someone has also seen it. At this moment, a female gentleman is dragging a man with a big dagger in his leg, blood dripping all the way, it is very scary to look at.

"Does anyone know that family? The hostess in the house was injured by this man with a dagger. Please help notify the family and send it to the hospital. Thank you."

Lu Sihui glanced around and said something to these people, she will not care about the rest, take the villains back, dig out the buried spy organizations, and then catch them all, this is what she will do now.

(End of this chapter)

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