Chapter 1258
Zhou Zisong didn't care, took the bag, and carefully helped his wife to walk to his car.

"Sihui, look at elder brother, he only has his wife in his eyes, and he doesn't even look at me."

Zhou Zixu turned around and complained to Lu Sihui with a smile, in exchange for her rolling her eyes.

"Brother is right to see his wife, sister-in-law is pregnant, and you are still jealous of her?"

"Who said I'm jealous? I mean, brother should be polite to you, because he's also the one who brought honor back to the Zhou family."

When his hands were free, he naturally put his arms on his daughter-in-law's shoulders, hugging her and whispering.


Lu Sihui glared at him and slapped his hand off her shoulder. Many people at the station were watching!Especially those women, they all looked at her jealously, and because of their actions, their faces curled up in contempt.

It was as if Lu Sihui had done something embarrassing in public, and she was not worthy of the handsome gentleman next to her.

Lu Sihui glanced around coldly, those eyes quickly fled, and she didn't dare to look over again.

"You are just a peacock, attracting bees and butterflies everywhere."

Lu Sihui glared at Zixu angrily, and a burly boy rushed over and waved to her excitedly: "Sister, sister"

There was joy in the boy's shout, and he looked at his sister proudly, she is awesome, he has such a powerful sister, who would dare to bully him?
"Jianguo, did you study hard at home?"

Lu Sihui narrowly escaped death once, and she felt more affection for her younger brother. If she really died, her younger brother would have no relatives in this world.

The look in his eyes is not as cold as before, and his voice is much softer.

"Sister, I got [-] points in the test, it's mathematics!"

In Lu Jianguo's eyes, there was a look of pride. He was the worst in mathematics, and it was Grandpa Zhou who helped him with tutoring every day, which made him improve by leaps and bounds.

He has papers!Just to surprise my sister.

"Really? Awesome, my sister is proud of you."

Lu Sihui smiled, rubbed her younger brother's head, only to realize that he had really grown up, a head taller than her, she wanted to mold his head and tiptoe.

It's just that in my younger brother's eyes, he is still a little green, he is a big boy, and he is far away from becoming a man!
"Jianguo, come to my brother-in-law's unit during the winter vacation, so I can train you well."

Zhou Zixu hugged his brother-in-law's shoulders, and it was almost time for training, and he was bullied in high school.

"Okay! Thank you brother-in-law."

Lu Jianguo's excited eyes lit up. His dream is to become a respectable person just like his sister and brother-in-law.

"Sister, can I see this?"

After getting in the car, Lu Jianguo looked curiously at the medal on his sister's chest. He thought it was really pretty.

"Well, here you are, don't lose it."

Lu Sihui generously took off the medal and handed it to Lu Jianguo. Seeing him lovingly there, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Drive, my grandpa must be waiting anxiously at home!"

Zhou Zixu looked sideways at his father's driver, the old man can do it!They all sent their own drivers to pick them up, and it was still Sihui's face.

In Zhou Zisong's car, Xiao Dongsheng hugged his mother and acted like a baby. He hadn't seen him for more than ten days. The child was thinking so hard that he couldn't even eat.

"Dongsheng, are you good? Do you miss your mother?"

Holding Dongsheng in her arms, Li Yanhong asked him tenderly with maternal love in her eyes.

"Think about it, I dreamed about my mother yesterday!"

Dong Sheng played with the medal on his mother's chest, reluctant to look away.

"Really? Our Dongsheng is really good."

Zhou Zisong looked at the scene of the mother's kindness and filial piety in the endoscope, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and he turned his head and ordered Dongsheng solemnly.

"Man, don't act like a baby."

(End of this chapter)

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