Chapter 1259
"Look at you, don't scare the child."

Li Yanhong glared at him, won't this person speak well?
"I'm afraid that he will touch your stomach, and you also know that you were in danger last time."

Zhou Zisong's voice was very low, but it could be heard in Li Yanhong's ears, which meant he cared for her.

Smiled gently at him: "I know, I will protect myself."

Xiao Dongsheng's attention was all on the medal, and he didn't listen to what his parents said at all?
The Zhou family, Mr. Zhou looked up at the door of his house, and glanced at his watch from time to time: "Why haven't you come back yet?"

"Old man, it's windy outside, come in quickly!"

Aunt Su came out and shouted. The wind is a bit hard today, and she is worried about the health of the old man.

"If I don't go back, I want to see my two good granddaughter-in-laws and bring glory to the old Zhou family. Our family is not only a hero for men, but also for women."

Mr. Zhou rubbed his hands, and walked excitedly at the door.

"Yes, yes, Sihui and Yanhong are both capable, shall we go inside and wait?"

Aunt Su shook her head amusedly, Zixu and Zisong won the prize, and the old man was never so excited.

"Okay, is the food ready? Sihui likes egg custard, you can make more for her. Also, Yanhong is pregnant, so eat more fish. Have you bought any fish?"

The voices of the two caught the attention of Zhou Baichuan who was on the sofa. Don't look at him holding a newspaper, he was reading the newspaper with great style, but only he knew it, and he didn't read it at all.

"Dad, come and sit down."

Zhou Baichuan stood up and helped his father to the sofa, and said to him with a smile: "This time Yanhong is pregnant, you also forget about it."

"Yeah, it didn't scare me to death last time."

Mr. Zhou sighed, and Zhou Zixu called to say that Li Yanhong was pregnant. Since then, he has had mixed feelings.

In the last ectopic pregnancy, my grand-daughter-in-law almost died. I hope this time there will be good luck and no mistakes will be made.

"If I knew she was pregnant, I wouldn't let her go on the mission."

Mr. Zhou sighed, if there was a mistake, maybe Zisong would never have a child of his own in this life.


Zhou Baichuan hummed, and kept his sharp eyes on the door from time to time. He was also looking forward to the return of his son and daughter-in-law!
I found that now I am more and more willing to stay at home and enjoy family happiness.

"Grandpa, grandpa, when will my mother come back?"

Little Swift was lying on the window, staring at the big black eyes that looked like water grapes, staring outside, her eyes were sore, and she didn't see her mother coming back.

Aggrieved, he walked up to grandpa and great-grandfather and asked them.

"I'll be right back."

Zhou Baichuan held Swift in his arms and coaxed her. The little girl was spiritual. He hoped that she would become the first female general of the Zhou family, as powerful as her mother.

"Grandpa, Dad, I, Hu Hansan, are back again."

There was joy in Zhou Zixu's raised voice, and he brought joy and laughter to the family before he even entered the door.

"What nonsense?"

Zhou Zisong punched him behind him, he is a father, why is he still not in shape.


Zhou Zixu squinted at him, always holding it in such a serious manner, is it interesting?

"Mom, Dad."

The little swift is really like a little swallow flying in the rain, galloping towards mom and dad.

"Ouch, my precious girl."

Zhou Zixu grabbed it with his big hand, and he hugged the padded jacket in his arms, and kissed his daughter's cheek twice.

"I want mom."

Who knew that the daughter who was usually very close to him now had her eyes on her mother, so she just managed to get out of his arms and ran towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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