Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1260 She is the pride of the Zhou family

Chapter 1260 She is the pride of the Zhou family


Lu Sihui knelt down and hugged her daughter in her arms. She hugged her very tightly, very hard, on the verge of death. She was worried that her daughter would be abused by her stepmother without herself.
Holding her, smelling the scent of milk on her body, Lu Sihui's heart softened into a puddle of spring water.

"Mom, I miss you, and I dream about you."

Little Swift raised her head to look at her mother, her pink little mouth was pouted, looking a little unhappy.

"What did you dream about mom?"

Lu Sihui smiled and pinched her little fleshy face. The little girl is not old, and she has learned to be sad.

"I dreamed that my mother was covered in blood, and Yanyan was afraid."

Tears welled up in Little Swift's big watery eyes, and her voice was choked with sobs.


Lu Sihui hugged the child tightly. It turned out that there was a real connection between the mother and the daughter. If she fell in love, the daughter knew it?

Closing her eyes, tears were hanging on her eyelashes, almost, she almost never saw her daughter again.

"Hey, it's not life and death, why are you crying?"

Seeing his daughter and daughter-in-law tearing up, Zhou Zixu felt sore. He hugged his daughter in his arms and wiped away her tears with his rough thumb.


Li Yanhong diverted Swift's attention with a smile, and it was a happy event to escape from death.


Zhou Dongsheng threw himself into Lu Sihui's arms. He and his aunt were always very close, and he once hoped that she would become his mother!
"Dongsheng has gained weight again, and my aunt can't even lift her up."

Lu Sihui's sad mood disappeared under the interference of Li Yanhong and Zhou Dongsheng. She picked up Dongsheng, weighed his weight, and said something with a smile.

"Sihui, Yanhong, welcome the hero back."

The old man Zhou took the confetti and waved it to Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong. It was originally for the bride, but was used by the old man to welcome his granddaughter-in-law back home with honor.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Lu Sihui was raised with confetti and asked grandpa with a smile.

"Sihui, you are this, grandpa's pride."

Mr. Zhou gave a thumbs up and looked at Lu Sihui appreciatively.

She is the pride of the Zhou family who uses her body to block the dust at critical moments.

"Grandpa, don't make fun of me."

Lu Sihui shook her head amusedly, their duty is to protect the safety of foreign guests, otherwise everyone would block them, including sister-in-law.

"Sihui, I'm not afraid of your jokes. When Zishan shot at me, I dodged."

Li Yanhong whispered to Lu Sihui, it was an instinctive reaction at that time.

She felt very ashamed, she was not qualified to receive this third-class merit.

Lu Sihui shook her head at her, not letting her continue.

Not being a hero doesn't mean she doesn't have that thought, it's just an instinctive action, there's no need to get entangled.

"Sihui, Yanhong, welcome home."

Aunt Su came out of the kitchen with an apron around her waist and a pleasant smile on her face.

"Aunt Su, you've worked hard."

Li Yanhong looked at Aunt Su and thanked her. She was not at home, and Aunt Su was busy in this house alone.

"Aunt Su, thank you."

Lu Sihui also saluted her. Swift was served by her white and fat, and the clothes on her body were not only clean, but also wrinkled, all thanks to Aunt Su.

"What's the matter? Why are you thanking me? I'm a nanny, and these are what I should do."

Aunt Su was a little embarrassed, she scratched her head and lowered her head, with tears of excitement in her eyes.

"Let's eat! I made delicious food for you."

When Aunt Su looked up again, there was a bright smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Okay, let's go help."

Lu Sihui hung her hat on the clothes hanger, took off her uniform, rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen.

"Sihui, forget it, don't go."

(End of this chapter)

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