Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1261 Can't see death without saving

Chapter 1261 Can't see death without saving
Zhou Baichuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly called out to stop his daughter-in-law. He had just recovered from a serious injury, and he didn't need to go home to work.

"I'll go!"

As soon as Li Yanhong took off her uniform, she went to get her apron.

"You can't even go."

Zhou Zisong held his daughter-in-law back, and looked at her with a serious face. His daughter-in-law's last ectopic pregnancy frightened him.



Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and watched the conversation between the two. The eldest brother's face was cold, and he was ordering his friends.

"You don't need to go, the food is ready, just serve it on the table."

Aunt Su comforted them both with a smile, she had no airs at all, she liked them.

"Aunt Su, I'll serve the food for you."

Lu Jianguo followed Aunt Su into the kitchen. He also lives in Zhou's house these days, so he is sorry for not helping with some work.

Aunt Su made steamed silver carp, dried shrimp and egg custard, stewed potatoes with braised pork, and a pot of stewed chicken with mushrooms. The hearty meal filled the room with fragrance.

The two sisters-in-law who haven't had a good meal in the past ten days can't help swallowing, it's better at home, the food is good.

"You guys eat first, I'll put the noodles in the cooking pot."

Aunt Su said something with a smile, and went to the kitchen again.

"Xiao Su, why don't you cook rice?"

Mr. Zhou called her to stop, the table was full of good food, eating noodles?Is this right?
"Old man, get on the dumplings and get off the noodles. There is a saying. I also made the rice. The noodles are for Zixu and the others."

Aunt Su smiled and explained that she was a bit superstitious, so she did all of these things for the benefit of Zixu and the others.

"Okay, let's cook! Beat two more poached eggs."

After hearing this, old man Zhou smiled, waved at her, and then looked at his little grandson and asked.

"Zixu, I heard that all the leaders have taken a fancy to you?"

"Grandpa, did you just remember to ask me? It's so sad."

Zhou Zixu covered his heart, pretending to be heartbroken, and was amused by the old man, so he slapped him on the back of the head.

"Stop pretending, tell me, what's going on?"

Mr. Zhou is partial to the younger grandson in his heart. Although the eldest grandson is also excellent, he doesn't like his cold personality.

"Grandpa, that's right."

Zhou Zixu told what happened. When he said that he insisted on saving Zhong Guoqiang even though his arm was dislocated, Lu Sihui turned cold.

"Why did you save him? Didn't you think you would fall?"

That scene is scary to think about. If you fall, is it worth it to accompany a small-bellied person to die?
"Because I'm an iron-blooded man, as long as I wear this uniform, I can't do nothing."

Zhou Zixu was rarely serious, the smile on his face was replaced by a serious one, his piercing eyes were like the brightest stars in the sky, a confident, free and easy, responsible, capable man, which woman would not like it?

"Zixu is right, and he is right. Grandpa is proud of you. Come, let's have a drink with grandpa."

Grandpa Zhou slapped the table excitedly, and pulled his grandson to drink with him.

"Zixu, Dad is proud of you."

Zhou Baichuan looked at his son with some excitement, he really didn't expect that the prodigal son would be so outstanding when he became a prodigal son.

Only a broad mind can become a great tool, and my son is great.

"Haha, Dad, it's not easy to get those words out of your mouth."

Zhou Zixu smiled happily, stood up holding the wine bottle, and filled his father with wine himself.

Zhou Zisong raised his wine glass and waited for his younger brother to fill it up for him.

Zhou Zixu looked at his brother with an indifferent expression, and couldn't help joking.

"Brother, do you have anything to say to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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