Chapter 1265: No Peeking
Lu Sihui deliberately pretended to be deep in thought, knowing why Zixu asked such a question?But just not following his words.

"I think so! Learning should be done during the day, and there are other things that should be done at night, for example, it's time to give birth to Swift's younger brother."

Seeing that she was pretending to be confused, Zhou Zixu went over to snatch the book from her hand, propped his hands on her side, and smiled with eyes crooked, with an indescribable charm.

Especially when he was so close, the breath of his body invaded Lu Sihui's nostrils strongly, the strong masculinity, coupled with the faint scent of soap on his body, mixed with the smell of wine, this smell can directly intoxicate people at night .

"Who said you want to have a younger brother? Don't you want a younger sister?"

It was obvious that Lu Sihui's heart was beating faster, and her throat was dry as if there was a fire burning, but her face was still calm, and she looked at Zhou Zixu with playful eyes, deliberately looking for faults in his words.

"Sister is fine too, but first of all, shouldn't you do something? Otherwise, you won't be able to give birth alone, and your sister-in-law is pregnant, so we have to hurry up! The ancients said that the new world starts with babies."

Zhou Zixu's rough fingers gently rubbed against Lu Sihui's soft 1.tender hair, and his black eyes stared at Lu Sihui's clear eyes, and his voice was somewhat hoarse, showing that he was suffering very hard at the moment.

"is it?"

Lu Sihui raised her face and looked at him with a smirk. Remembering the scene of his nose bleeding in the guest house, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This smile is like a river dam bursting, and it can't be stopped.

"What are you laughing at? Tell me and listen?"

Zhou Zixu was really proud of being handsome!When the daughter-in-law sees his deep and seductive little eyes, she will definitely grab him honestly.

As a result, at such an important moment, she was rocking back and forth with a smile, too much destroying the ambiguous atmosphere he carefully created.

"Laughing at the way you have a nosebleed, you say, if."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu badly, and halfway through speaking, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Zixu, because his eyes turned cold, and stretched out his hand to scratch her itchy waist.

"Okay, you, dare to laugh at me, see if I don't punish you?"

Lu Sihui covered her waist and fell down on the couch with a smile. Zhou Zixu took the opportunity to steal the fragrance and was very happy.

Soon, Lu Sihui raised her hands in surrender: "Let me take a bath first, okay?"

Panting and looking at the man on the body, don't you know that you are heavy?Still pressing like this?

"Okay, I'll give you 10 minutes to take a bath, and I'll warm your couch."

Zhou Zixu leaned lazily on the side of the couch, with long straight legs clattering on the side of the couch, with his chin resting on one hand, and the glint in his eyes made Lu Sihui's heart tremble.

"No peeking."

With a serious face, he gave Zhou Zixu an order.

He just raised his eyebrows, raised his jaw slightly, and signaled Lu Sihui to be free, so he just looked at her and didn't speak.

Sensing the meaning in his eyes, Lu Sihui glared at him, pulled the quilt over his head, then jumped off the ground, turned her back to him and started to take a bath.

There is no shower, and it is difficult to take a bath. She squatted on the ground and splashed water on her body, and her back felt a little uncomfortable. Zhou Zixu looked anxious, and couldn't help but jumped off the bed and went to help.

"Who sent you here?"

Lu Sihui covered the scenery and gave him a hard look.

"Chunxiao is short, help you wash quickly."

Zhou Zixu picked up a handful of water with a smirk, and poured it from Lu Sihui's back neck. The water rolled down the white neck and rolled over the mirror, leaving rows of water droplets.

(End of this chapter)

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